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"Let me seul!" I said as I yank her hand from my arm. I've been trying to run after my sister but this stupid just doesn't want me to go!

"No! Today is not the right time to talk to her" she said but I glare at her.

"Then when?! Damn it seulgi! Just let me go! She's my sister for fuck sake! I can't let her think I don't care about them this whole night!" I said.

"She'll be fine Lisa" she said trying to comfort me.

"No! She'll be never fine until we talk! Until she heard my explanation" I said and didn't waste time and ran towards my motorcycle.

"LISA!" I heard her call me but I didn't look back at her. I don't have fucking time to deal with her.

I hurriedly climb on my motorcycle and wear my helmet before dashing off. This is all my fault! I'm such a bad sister for them. I let them think that way! I'm so fuckin stupid to let them think I don't care or I don't love them when in fact I'm doing this because of them!

Heaven sake! I'm so careless! I don't know if they can forgive me! I messed up big time and I can't stand them hating me or avoiding me like this! I completely don't know about what happens to them because I'm being selfish! I'm being fucking selfish!

"FUCK!" I yell as I fasten my motorcycle.

I'm no good! I never do something that they can be proud of! I...I lied to the big time. I don't know but I never think this will happen this soon. I never think what will happen when they found out about this. Fuck all I know is to satisfy myself but I never think what they feel!

I'm such a terrible sister.

I loathe myself even more because even this is happening to us...I can't help but curse myself because there's this side of me that I never regret spending my time with Jennie. I don't freakin know why! I don't know why the hell I need to feel this way.

Didn't take long I arrive at their building. I park my motorcycle and took off my helmet and throw it nowhere. I don't fucking care about everything! All I need is to talk to my sister. I need to clear this mess. I need to tell her that what she's thinking is not true!

I hurriedly ran towards the entrance and go straight to the elevator. I press their floor. After minutes the elevator chimed and I ran outside and go directly to their door. I have a key so I didn't bother to knock. Once I open the damn door I ran inside just to see Chaeng sobbing in Jisoo's arm.

It breaks my heart to see my sister crying but it makes me mad knowing I cause this to them..."Chaeng..." I softly said and they look in my spot. I saw Jisoo grit her teeth but stand up by the way.

"Lisa...I think it's not g-" she didn't finish her words because I cut her off.

"Please let us talk. She's my sister" I said.

"But you never act one" she said that really make me mad.

"You know nothing!" I said as I glare at her.

"Maybe I don't but based on what I'm seeing right now? I can say I'm rig-" I didn't let her finish her words because I found myself throwing my fist on her jaw. That makes Chaeng stand up.

"LALISA!" she said and glared at me. Oh God, this is not good.

"You freakin know nothing Jisoo! Please leave us alone! I need to talk to her!" I said.

She looks at me and to chaeng and chaeng nodded to her letting her know we can deal with it. Jisoo goes out glaring at me but I didn't mind her and ran towards my sister and pull her in a tight embrace.

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