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"Stop being delusional Lisa! Fuck it! Let's end all our connections right now! From now on you will not come to me anymore! From now on you will leave me alone and don't even bother me! Delete my contacts to your phone and forget that we met! Forget your feelings because it's nonsense! Love doesn't exist and you need to face the reality! I feel nothing to you and If I do feel something to you and that is pure anger!" Once she finishes her sentence I feel my heart break into pieces.

"Why Jennie? Why are you doing this to me?" I said as my tears fall endlessly I'm so fucking drained. She looks at me as I saw her take a deep breath and close her eyes before looking at me with her cold eyes.

"Because you're my toy" she plainly said as she steps forward. "You're too blind with your fantasy that you can't see you're never been more than my toy" and for the first time in my life! I felt like a bunch of gangs stab me endlessly right straight in my heart.

I felt I was being tortured. I'm sad, mad, and hurt. I'm mad because I let myself fall for her! I'm sad because she doesn't feel the same and I'm fucking hurt because rosé is right! She's always right! I'm just a toy to her...I'm nothing but a toy that she can fuck everywhere and every time.

I was speeches...I never thought this moment will be more painful than my parents' death. I never thought this will be more painful than everything that I went through! My tears burst out like it was waterfalls. The rain joins me as if she understands me.

I fell on my knees because my legs just felt numb and weak and I can't stop. I feel my word is crashing like it was just a brick that she just easily says all those words that make me feel like I'm worthless. I feel unfit because my heart is in misery.

I place both of my hands on my face as I let it out. "Why does it have to be you?! Why?!" I yelled as my tears continued streaming..."I...I just want to feel how to love...I just want someone to care for me! But why it's so hard to love?!" I was literally shouting outside of the park but I don't care because I was all alone here.

I continue letting my heart out until I suddenly felt the raindrop stop and I saw a shadow in front of me. I slowly look up and see the unknown man holding an umbrella. "You done?" He asks.

"W-who are you?" I ask.

"You'll know me later but for now you need to stand up and follow me" He said and I did.

"Why should I follow you? I don't even know you" I said as I wipe my face.

"Because you need me. You need someone to talk to. You need someone that will help you to let it out" he said and he's right. I need someone but should I trust him? I already felt nothing so I don't care if he murdered me.

"I want to go to the bar" I said and he frowns.

"You soaking wet" he said.

"So? If you don't want then I'll come by myself" I said as I was about to leave the holds my shoulder.

"You stubborn lady! Fine, let's go!" He said as he leads the way to his car and it's a luxury car. This guy must be rich?


He parks the car in the parking lot and we go out. The bar looks like for rich only or somewhat for VIP's but I didn't think about those things anymore and I go straight inside and he follows me. We find our seats and he order drinks.

I let him handle it because I don't have time to think about what should it be. I will just drink all of it because I desperately need to erase her even just for tonight. I'm hurt. Deeply hurt. I thought she feels the same. She let me think that she does.

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