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After Moonbyul goes out I did too. I go to the side of the road and stop a taxi. I climb inside and told the driver where the location was. I really want to go there and besides it's been a long time since I last visit there. I want to go there because I miss them and I want to share the things that been happened to me.

I will talk to my sisters later and apologize for what I did wrong. Moonbyul is right. Jennie Kim is not the only important person in my life because there is still someone who needs me. My sisters is been understandable and I think it's my time to make it up to them.

However...even Moonbyul told me to not think about Jennie I still just can't. I just can't remove the person in my head. There are a lot of things that happen to us that you can forget that easily. Maybe I will listen to what she said that I shouldn't beg for her love.

Because at the end of the's not her responsibility to reciprocate my love for her. It's just and that's what we really should call one-sided love. Maybe Jennie is right. We really should get away from each other because we're not meant to be.

Because the girl I love has not hearted.

After all these things I said I still have this little hope that maybe she really has the same feelings towards me. Maybe the guy and Moonbyul are true? But should I believe them? Should I let my hopes get higher again?

Well...definitely not! Enough is enough. I'm already tired of getting my hopes high then it will just crush in seconds.

"Ma'am we're already here" the taxi driver said and I nodded.

"Can you wait for me? I'm not saying that long" I said and he nodded.

I goes out of the taxi and ran through the grass. There are so many tombstones. I find my parent's tombstones and sat and hold their stone. Their names are engraved on the stones.

Patrick Manoban & Rebecca Manoban

I feel like crying again but hell I shouldn't cry in front of him because my Dad said he hates to see us crying.

"Hey Mom, Dad" I said as I sat on the grass. "I-I miss you...I miss y-you both very much" I stammered. "How I wish you were here...because I don't know what to do anymore" I said and look up and bit my lips.

"What do I do Mom? Dad? What should I do?" I talk as if they will answer and if they did...well that's a miracle. I just hope they're here beside me so they can tell me what the right thing to do.

"I-I failed again...I always do Mom! Why d-do you even leave us! Why do we even need to suffer like this!" I said and shut my eyes close.

Little did Lisa know...someone is watching her from afar. He can't help but tear up by just seeing the young woman "I think it's already enough Richard. Let's get them" his wife said as she wipes the corner of her eyes.

I stay for a few more minutes before caressing the grave one more time and stand up. "Goodbye Mom, Dad. I promise to be back" I said as I start walking towards the taxi. I will surely pay a big amount.

I climb inside the taxi and told the driver the location of my sister's apartment building. I really need to talk to them and don't let the day passed without them knowing my side. I don't want them to be disgust and hate me for a long time.

I'm still curious how Chaeng finds out about it but it doesn't matter now because she deserves to know what really happenings to me. After all, she's my sister and they're the only one who is left with me and if there's a person who will stay by my side.

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