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"J-Jen" he called me again and I look at him with a blank expression and raise my eyebrows. He can't form a word so I diverted my attention to a little prince.

I noticed Lincoln is been glaring at Kai. "Lincoln he's a friend a long time ago" I said. We're not a friend but that's the only thing that could stop Lincoln from being this protective.

If he doesn't know the person he will instantly glare at them thinking they will harm me and the baby. He's still a kid but he's really smart however it's really scary if he throws tantrums because it will take forever before you stop him.

Kai looks at me and raises his brows. "Your son?" I shook my head.

"No. he's my nephew" Once I state that I heard a loud whimper beside me. I look at Lincoln and he's already stomping his feet and crying hard and pouting. I bend down a little cause I can't seat down. I have a bump if you forget.

"What's the matter?" I worriedly ask as I wipe his tears.

"Y-You told m-me I look like a son f-for you!" He said as he hiccups.

"Of course you are!" I said but he shook his head.

"Then tell him I'm your son!" He said high pitched.

"But you're my nephew right?"

"You see me as your son too!" He said and I just nodded my head and sigh.

"He's my son and also nephew," I said to kai and Lincoln stop crying. Kai chuckled and just look at me in disbelief.

"You can't even win to a child" he said and I rolled my eyes and walk passed to him.

"We're going" I said but he holds my arm to stop me.

"Can we...can we go eat outside and talk?" He asks and I look at him skeptically.

Is this guy hitting on me again?!

"No! It's not what you think! No feelings were involved this time! It's just friendly lunch and talks" he said and I frown.

Is there something to talk about?  We're not even friends!

"Just take this lunch treat as my apology! I'm really sorry for what I did before" he said and I sigh. "Please? I really want to talk to you too! It's not like we didn't know each other" he said again.

Lisa will kill me!

"I just really want to say an apology to you and even catch up a little! I promise I wouldn't do anything stupid!"  he said again.

I groan because I can't really come with him! If Lisa finds out about what happened today she will go mad! Lisa is a very jealous woman since we get married and especially now that Kim Jongin is who is I'm talking to! What are if I got to lunch with him?!

"I'm sorry but I really can't" I said and was about to drag Lincoln with me but Kai suddenly drops on his knees and held my hand.

"Please Jennie! I also need your help and you're the only person I know! I don't have friends to help me because I never really make one before! I just talk to you but never to anyone so please I'm begging you to help me with this matter! It's a really important thing! Please?" He said as he now his head.

Kai is right he doesn't have a friend and I know it because he thought all people who want to befriend with him just want money from him.
"I can't risk my relationship with Lisa by going to you! Lisa hates you and I am too!" I said and yank his hand.

"She doesn't need to know! It's just a small matter" he said and I scoffed.

This stupid will not stop until I granted his plead!

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