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I was awakened by the daylight peeking in the window straight to my eyes. I sat up and rub my eyes as I yawn. I open my eyes again and look around and that was I realize I was not in my room.

I was about to kick Manoban but I remember I'm the one who is drunk yesterday and end up falling asleep after what we did yesterday so I can't be mad at this Idiot.

I look at by my side and saw the snorting Manoban. I look close to her and saw her drooling and I can't help but chuckle but instantly slap my mouth. "Did I just laugh?" I ask myself.

Yes, you just did Jennie.

My inner self said so I quickly stand up and go to the bathroom naked and wish all the saints that Manoban doesn't hear it "Argh! She already saw me crying and now chuckling?!" I was frustrated and stomp my feet.

No! Jennie Kim never smiles or laughs or whatever emotion it is!

But you nearly laugh when the first time Lisa goes to your office.

Fuck! No! No way would happen again! No one can change my emotion! I can't have that. I sigh and decided to go inside the shower room and shower. Once I'm done I took the towel and dried myself.

As I was about to pick my clothes I realize I don't have any extra and I will never wear the clothes I wear yesterday! That's gross! And I can't call kwangso to bring one either because she will find out I stay with Lisa! and Nayeon is still mad at me!

"What a lucky morning!" I groan. I'm just thankful that it's Saturday and it's up to me if I will go to the company but choose not because my head still hurts for the hangover. Why do I even drink that whole bottle of cocktail by myself?!

I was facing back and forth and finally cover my body with the towel and decided to borrow clothes from Manoban since I don't have a choice. I walk out and go directly to the bed and slap Manoban's arm but she's not opening her eyes.

"MANOBAN!" I shout from the top of my lungs making her sit up revealing her half-naked body.

"What?! Can you be more polite and properly wake me?!" She said and wailed.

"Whatever. Now lend me clothes and undergarments because I don't have one" I said that made her eyes widen.

"I thought you don't want my taste of clothes?" She asks and that's right. I told her I don't like her fashion sense and clothes even I really do. I just don't want to compliment her because I never did that.

"I don't have a choice! I don't have one with me" I said.

"Fine..." She said and stand up without wearing something and I suddenly felt my cheeks heated.

She came back with a hoodie and pants with her and new undergarments and a new toothbrush. "Does Ms. CEO is blushing?" She teases and wiggles her brows.

"Yah! Wear something!" I said and snatch the kinds of stuff before going inside the bathroom.

"You already see it so why should I?" She did while laughing and I can't help but groan.

This girl is getting on my nerves! I brush my teeth and wear the clothes she lends to me and ends up oversized because she's taller than me so what do you expect? When I went out of the bathroom I didn't see her again so I go out.

I walk downstairs towards the kitchen to drink a painkiller but I spot Manoban there and already fully clothes and facing the stove. "Hey Ms. CEO" she said and smile at me but I just rolled my eyes and get the water and pain killer.

"I'm leaving" I said and place the glass in the sink but I stop when she said something.

"Let's have breakfast together...I cook for us" she said which makes me frown.

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