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I open my eyes and rabidly blink once I saw the unfamiliar ceiling...this is not what my room looks like. I sat up and rub my eyes once again thinking I was dreaming. I look around and saw a very luxurious room.

I shake my head...did I just sleep with a girl again?! Once that question flows in my head I curse myself and instantly stand up before going out of the room and ran downstairs so fast. Hell if my instincts are right I should leave here immediately!

As I was about to go straight to the door someone spoke. "You're already awake" A familiar voice spoke. I slowly look back and saw him and once my eyes laid on him everything that happened last night flash in my mind.

She ended our deal...she cut all our ties that I'm always looking for. I look down and sigh deeply. I feel like crying again but I fight it back and bite my lower lip which is what I always do when I feel like crying. Jennie Kim...the first girl I love since the woman I hate.

Jennie Kim is the girl I accidentally met in the one bar in Daegu and end up being the sugar baby that brought me to fall in love with her. She's the girl of my dreams but is it wrong? Is it wrong to fall in love with her?

I feel my eyes became blurry so I look up to not let it fall which is works. "You don't need to stop your emotion Lisa. You need to let it out because that's the important thing you need to do" the guys spoke again and I look at him.

"Why are you so nice to me? You don't even know me and you join me last night, you brought me to your place and're comforting me" I said because it's true. He's really nice to me even he doesn't know me.

"Because that's what people should do. Even you don't know the person and when you see her should help her" he said and smile at me.

"Thank you" I said and he just nodded to me.

"Let's eat breakfast" He said and I shook my head.

"You already help me enough and I want to leave" I said.

"Are you sure?" He asks me and I nodded.

"Thank you very much" I said and was about to walk to the door but he spoke again.

"Everything will be okay in the end Lisa and If it's not okay, it's still not the end please don't give up on her" he said which makes me frown.

"Why? Why should I do that?" I ask because It's really killing me how he's telling me this since last night.

"Because she treasures you" He said and I shook my head.

"I know her and once she said that she doesn't love me...she means it" I sadly said but he shook his head.

"There's always first time Lisa and you're always her first time" he said which make me raise my brows. He just smiled at me and walk towards the living room.

I shrugged it off and decided to goes out of the so-called penthouse that was really on top of the building. I go inside the elevator and press the ground floor. I thought this will be easy but it's not. I can't take her off of my mind.

I was riding the elevator when my phone ring. I hook in out with my heavy heart and saw it was my best friend...Moonbyul. I was hesitating if I will answer it or not but eventually decided to answer it.

"Moonbyul..." I said in my low tone because I feel like I'm completely drained.

"Yah! Lisayah! Where are you? I've been calling you since last night! I'm so worried about you! Please let's meet up" She worriedly said and I know she already knows what happened last night.

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