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Other waves of redness on my cheeks appear once Jisoo utters that. I stay silent before awkwardly coughing and straightened my seat and look at her with my eyebrows raising. "You're just the one who's looking that way" I said.

"Who said I'm just the one?" She said with and smirk. "For your information it's us. Seulgi think about that too and just last month the receptionist from the ground floor ask me about it"

My eyes went wide. "You should tell them that we're just friends!" I said and glared at her.

"I do even seulgi and I don't believe it" she said and wink at me.

"! I'm telling the truth!" I said.

"Yeah right! Let's just pretend I believe you" she said and I growl.

"But it's true..." I said.

"Eh? Do friends visit each other almost every day?" She asks and raises her eyebrows.

"I do!"

"We're friends too and you're always going inside there and didn't even bother asking me like 'hey! How are you Jisoo?'" She said that make my eyes roll

"Hey! How are you Jisoo?" I mock

"See? You just ask me when I already told you" she said.

"We're just friends and nothing more and nothing less" I said already annoyed that she's not believing me.

"And pigs fly" she mocks.

"Just drop it!" I irritatedly said.

"Okay! but come with us" she said which makes me furrow.

"Where? Are you planning of making us drunk again?" I said.

"Never! After I face seulgi's girlfriend's wrath last night!" She said.

"Seulgi has a girlfriend?!" I said in surprise and she throws her cramps paper on me.

"Idiot! She's just with us last night! She even pulls nancy's hair" she said and laugh at the thought.

"Oh yeah? I don't know...I don't remember too much about what happens" I said and shrugged.

"Anyway! As I'm saying come with us because it's Wednesday"

"What's up with Wednesday?" I ask.

"You're really stupid! Wednesday means my girlfriend's vacant from her school and she comes here this morning until lunch to report and goes home instantly saying her sister might go home so she should cook for her sisters" she said that makes me frown.


"And I just got a call from her earlier before you come here and she said her sister won't make it and her little sister is still not home. She sounds sad so I got an Idea and ask her if she can meet me and seulgi in a restaurant and have dinner there instead so that she will meet seulgi personally and her too so since you're here...why not come with us so I can introduce her to you also?" She explains and I lean on the backrest before thinking.

"Well...I don't have anything to do" I said before looking at her. "I'm in!" I said and she excitedly squeals.

"That's great! My girlfriend will be happy!" She said. "Let's wait until our work time ended and we will go out" she said and I nodded.


"Hey! I didn't know you were here!" Seulgi said as she walks towards us.

"Yeah I just passed by but Jisoo asks me to come with you guys" I said.

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