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I exit her office with a sour expression. I can't stand her! Is she seriously suggesting a sugar mommy arrangement, with me as her sugar baby? I need money for Chaeng and my other debts, but I will never agree to that.

She even use my weaknesses! How can she be so bold about it? She utters every word as if it' is okay to talk about it so boldly, while I'm left there with flushed cheeks from embarrassment. I can't believe that girl!

I don't even know her aside from her name, but whatever, I'll just call her Ms. CEO because... I don't know, I just want to.

I felt nauseous when she demonstrate my reaction from last night, when she jerked me. Once she said it, I remembered that moment. Stupid Lisa, moaning like a mess flashed in my head.

Stupid Lisa, fucking with a stranger with all her strength and moaning so loudly, flashed too. I can't deny it, but I really did enjoy last night. But I hate the fact that I lost my V card to an arrogant person like her. She should be nice because I satisfied her, even if it was wrong for me.

To be honest, there's a part of me that wants to agree with her offer because my body reacted to her earlier. There's a side of me that wants to bend her over her table and fuck her endlessly, but my inner self is debating.

Why not? because I told myself I'm better than that, but this hesitation in my head is just messing with me!

I climb into the taxi and tell the driver the location of the building where my sister's apartment is. They don't know I'm coming, so it's a surprise. I hope they're already there.

It doesn't take long, and the taxi stops in front of the building. I pay the fare and climb out, heading directly to the entrance. I enter the elevator and press the 4th floor button. Yes, I know it because I have been here once before.

After a short time, the elevator door swings open, and I step out, wearing my sweetest smile because I miss my sisters. I can't wait to hug them, it's been a year since I last saw them. I spent my holidays and New Year alone due to a lack of money to visit.

I stand in front of the door and knock three times, but no one answers. I knock three times again, louder. "Coming!" I hear my little sister Ryujin shout, and I can't help but tear up.

I miss their voices. I hear her footsteps and the click of the doorknob. She opens it widely and is shocked to see me standing there. My tears fall on my cheeks, and I hug her immediately.

"I missed you, Ryujin," I say, and I feel her stiffen too.

"I missed you too, Unnie!" she says and hugs me tighter like a koala.

"Ryujin-ah! Who's the..." Chaeng doesn't complete her sentence and quickly runs towards us, hugging me too. "Unnie!!" she says and hugs me the same way as Ryujin.

"I missed you, chipmunk," I say and mess with her hair too.

"I missed you too, monkey!" she says, still hugging me.

"I can't breathe," I said, and they immediately pull back and smile cheekily at me.

"Let's go inside!" Ryujin says, and I enter, while Chaeng closes the door. We walk towards the living room and sit down.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Chaeng says.

"Uhmm... I'm on a day off, so I decided to come here," I lie because I don't want them to know that I got fired and about this whole thing with Ms. CEO.

"Oh?! Did you bring the money?" Chaeng asks excitedly, and that shuts my mouth.

"I... Uhmm... I forgot to bring it, Chaeng," I say and mentally curse myself for being a stupid liar.

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