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Riding a car, seating quietly in the backseat while my head is leaning at the clear window that gave me the view of the bright morning view of the city. People walking at the side road wearing a big smile some are waiting at the bus stop talking to someone still wearing a bright smile.

How I wish I was wearing the same bright smile. Today's month was supposed to be a happy month of my life but it ends up not. I was not happy. I was supposed to be carrying my daughter and breastfeeding her but instead...I was here riding a car going home alone without holding a baby in my arms.

It's hurt me every! It's hurt me every second that I was thinking about how my life was supposed to be completed but end up not. I always want to be alone because I don't want them to think of low to me who's in this situation. Even me I don't want to be in this state but what can I do?

I lost my child...I lost the baby I've been carrying for 9 months.

It's hard for me because I was the one who spent the whole time with my unborn child. Well, she was in my stomach so why not? Even we didn't make memories in the act but we have memories of her in my womb. It's so hurtful for a mother to lose the child she's been wanting and carrying for fucking 9 months!

It's hard for me to collect and accept this but they wanted me to be okay! How could I be in the normal state if I just lose Riley! Damn! I didn't go to the funeral because it's nonsense! She was not dead. She was here with me! I always tell myself that but even my inner self doesn't want to believe anymore!

Every moment I was closing my eyes I always see myself carrying a child in my arms and I was waking up with tears in my eyes. I don't know if it was a bad dream or a good dream but all I wish is I won't wake up again if in my dream I will be with my Riley. Riley Liv is the only child that I always wanted.

The car slowly stops and that's when I realize we arrive. Mom asked me where do I want to stay but I never really answer her. I don't know but I don't find myself speaking to them but I was listening to them. I can hear them because I'm not deaf but I just can't find myself talking to someone.

I didn't know that Mom will drop me at our house until now. Until now that the car stop in front of Lisa and I's house. I have never seen Lisa for the last 4 days. I didn't see her coming again since the day I told her to leave me alone. I was hurt of course.

I don't know to my self but I want Lisa to be by my side but there's still a side of me I don't want to.

I just want to be alone.


Lisa walk out of the bathroom freshly bath. After cleaning the house chaeng force her to clean herself as well. Chaeng used the words like. "You don't want Unnie to see you like this right?" And she finds herself going inside their room and taking a bath.

To be honest with all of you. Lisa is not taking a bath until now. She won't know why but she just has no strength to take care of herself. She doesn't want to move like a lifeless body for the past 4 days. She just clean up today because someone gives her the courage to be the one to stand. After all, she was supposed to be the one.

Lisa goes out of their room wearing a shirt and a white plain t-shirt. She goes was walking downstairs when their double door swung wide open and revealed Jennie and Mrs. Kim. Her eyes just locked up to Jennie and that's when she notice Jennie's slim body.

Jennie lists her weight too because not every day she's eating. Sometimes Jennie is not minding the food that her mother putting on her table. She won't have the strength to eat or even do something like normal people do. She thinks she just turns to her different version of herself.

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