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After our delicious breakfast, I go upstairs to our room and take a bath before dressing up with my outfit. Lisa bought me this dress that I'm currently wearing. I'm more into dresses and loose shirts because of my big bump.

I'm pregnant for already 8 months and since my bump got bigger Lisa shops for clothes for me. Sometimes I wear her oversized shirt if we're just inside of the house. Lisa has been very caring to me and it's actually heartwarming but sometimes it's not because she never let me do things that I want.

Like doing chores! I mean I'm just a pregnant not a disabled person but anyway she's really been a good partner to me since then and the same as me but what I hate the most is she never even take care of herself since then. She always worried about me but didn't even think about herself and her health.

I go downstairs holding my little bag in my right hand while my left hand is holding to the handrails stairs to support me as I slowly walk down on the stairs. I'm very careful with every move I'm making because just like Lisa I don't want us to be in danger.

So there's nothing really to worry about because I'm taking care of myself and our baby too. I never eat something that will cause bad for the both of us and lately Lisa and I always eat veggies and I'm drinking the vitamins that my personal doctor gave to me.

I make it downstairs and I walk towards the living room where I see Lisa playing games. lately she's been into mobile games along with Jisoo and others. She sometimes plays on our big screen tv and sometimes on her phone but even though she's playing games she never forgets me and always puts me first.

Lisa put me first than everything.

"Oh! You going now?" She asks me as she took a glance at me and look at the screen again.

"Yes, just want to get my goodbye kisses" I said and walk towards herm it's always like this. My mood is literally driving me crazy and I know Lisa too but thank god she understands me. She's a very understanding wife and responsible.

She put down her controller. Told ya wife first! She stands up and kisses me on my temple down to my nose and lips. "Do you want me to drop you to where you guys are going?" She asks and I quickly shook my head.

"Irene will fetch me here so there's nothing to bother you love. I'll call you if I'm already on my way home" I said and she sigh before nodding. I know this mood! She doesn't want me to go but sorry I'm still the boss in this house.

"Fine. Just take care" she said before leaning and peck my lips and caress my tummy. "Take care of our pebble too!" She said and smile.

Jisoo gave our princess a nickname and it's pebble! I don't know why Lisa is calling our soon-to-be daughter that nickname but anyways I just let her because she's happy with that so why stop her right? and besides it's just a nickname while she's inside of me.

I was about to speak when my phone chime and Irene send a message that she's already Infront of our house. "Irene is already here! I'll go now! and don't worry too much" I said and was about to walk away again when I remember something.

"And don't make a mess because you're the one who will have a hard time in the end" I remind her. She just modded like a child and I walk away.

One time when I go out to lunch with the girls I left Lisa here alone and guess what she did? When I came back all paintings are scattered in the living room as if I already have a child to cause that mess but when I saw who did it? It's really made my blood boil.

Lisa with Seulgi, Jisoo and Moonbyul are there and trying to make a painting. I ask them what the hell are they doing and they just said they're trying to know what they're good at but apparently their paints are sucks so it means paintings are not for them. It's always like that! I mean if I'm with Chaeng and others. Jisoo with the two will go to our house to make a mess.

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