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"I'm very sorry Lisa" my grandfather said but I just nodded to him.

Because why would I snap at him when I really want what had happened to me and Jennie? Like I said I never regret meeting her even she hurt me. I never regret all of the things that happen to me even losing my virginity to her. Oh God knows how I'm glad to meet her.

but fate is really good at playing.

When chaeng calm down he spoke again and that's really caught my attention "Lisa I never wish to see you hurt by Jennie Kim. I never see this coming so I'm really sorry for that and I want to offer you something and I hope you accept this because I know you want to reach your dreams and this will help you too to forget the pain you've been" he said.

I raise my eyebrow because I'm really curious about what they want to offer to me. My grandmother who is seating beside me holds my hand and smiles at me. "Lisa my dear we're sorry for not helping the three of you sooner. You already gave up enough so we will not let you give up this very important thing that you want to be" she said and I frown even more.

"Please just tell me" I said. Ryujin and Rosé looking at them intently too already eager to know it too.

"I have a cousin living in Switzerland. His name is Marco and his the most popular chef in their country. Switzerland is one of the best countries to study culinary courses. Many countries profess to educate great chefs, but the experience and schools offered in Switzerland set the country apart as an environment for the culinary arts. Those who want to find a great place to study should carefully consider the benefits of pursuing their degree here. With a rich history of culinary excellence, outstanding chefs, and a unique culture that students can enjoy and explore when they have time off from their studies, this Western European nation offers an excellent location for studying in this incredible field" he explains.

"I know you still want to pursue your dream and I'm giving it to you...If you agree to this I will send you there to continue your 2 years left" he said which make me happy but sad too.

I'm happy that I can continue my studies and can pursue my dreams to be a professional chef. This is my dream since then and I really love to pursue it however I can't leave my sisters. I can't be away from them...I just promise to them that I'll be by their side and if I agree I'll probably miss them.

And her.

I sigh just thinking of it really makes me sad...they seem to notice it and I heard Chaeng spoke. "Unnie...I know you have second thoughts but please if you're having second thoughts just because of us? Please stop it. We've grown up already" she said and sadly smile at me.

"You already sacrifice enough for us...I think this is for you" Ryujin said too and I sigh for the ninth time. There's still stopping me.

"We're are here to look after them lisa. You don't need to worry and I'm not pressuring you to do this. You have time to think about it and if you already had the answer just tell me" grandma said.

I nodded and we continue eating while my mind is still thinking about their offer. It is going to be worth it if I go? but it's my dream. Argh! This is confusing!


Hours passed and the sun already setting. After we ate earlier we talk about a lot of things and ask them about a lot of things and they answer it and explain everything. I was thankful when chaeng already calm down.

She's understanding the situation every explanation our grandparents are throwing at us. They kept telling us sorry and yeah we can't stop them because they really need to apologize for all things they did.

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