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I've been waiting for Lalisa Manoban since earlier, and I can't really focus on my work. So, I decided to just continue it tomorrow or after I talk to that damn woman who makes me fucking horny just thinking of what happened last night.

Hours passed again, and it's already 2 pm, and I'm still not eating anything. But I don't care. I never care about my meals at lunch because I'm not usually eating lunch, except if Nayeon asks me to or whatever is that important.

"What the hell took that girl so long? It's just hours away!" I groan in frustration. I take my telephone from the side of my table and call Jisoo.

"Is that fucking girl already here?!" I yell.

"Oh yes Ms. Kim!" She said.

"Send her here now."

"Yes Ms. Kim, I'll assist her," Jisoo said, and I hang up.

It doesn't take long before I hear three knocks coming from the door. "Come in!" I shout, and I hear Jisoo talking to a girl again before hearing her walk away. I have good hearing.

I sit in my swivel chair comfortably and fix my eyes on the door with a blank expression that will make everyone tremble. I wait for 3 minutes again, but this girl still hasn't come in, and that makes my blood boil.

"For fuck's sake, come in now!" I shout so loud, and the door instantly bangs open, and the girl falls on the floor.

I bite my cheek to suppress myself from laughing because that's really funny! What the hell did this girl come from? Is she that dumb? But I realize I shouldn't have any emotion or feelings for this girl, so I compose myself again.

I hear her groan because she fell flat on the floor. "Fuck! Argh!!" My eyes are still on her with my eyes narrowing. She turns around still holding her elbow and wincing in pain.

She's so slow, and that is another level of my frustration again because the thing I hate most is a sluggish person. "Such an Idiot!" I said.

She carefully stands up still holding her elbow and faces me with her annoyed expression. "Yah! This is your fu-" she stops midway once she sees my face. I feel her gulp because who wouldn't? I know she saw me this morning, so no doubt she's shocked.

But for me? I stay still and just look at her with my serious expression while her eyes are wide, and she looks like a tarsier. I hear her gulp for the second time, and I just smirk at her.

"What are you looking at? Go close the fucking door!" I said to bring her back to her senses, and she just glares at me.

"I'm not your slave!" She said, and I give her the glare that will make everyone's knees weak.

I feel her tremble before sighing and closing the door. "Come sit here," I said as I point to the chair across from my table.

She walks towards it and slumps into it, crossing her legs and resting her elbow on my table, trying to look cool. But I won't deny it, she has this charismatic look that I never saw in those dumb guys that I met or business partners who tried to hit on me.

"So, what do you want from me, Ms. CEO?" she said and raises her eyebrow. We're really having an eye contact contest, and she's the one who looks away. I smirk again.

"About Last Night," I said, which makes her look at me again.

"What about last night?" She asks as dumb people do.

"Are you stupid?" I said, growling.

"Well, I'm not," she retorts.

"Let me remind you, in case you forgot, we had sex last night," I say.

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