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"AHH! FUCK! YESS!" Jennie moan loudly as I thrust my cock deeper inside her. I was actually so lazy fucking her but I can still manage.

"Shit!" I groan as Jennie moves a little that makes her pussy clench around my ranging cock.

"Faster daddy! Ahh! Ahh!" She demand which is I did. I fasten my pace as I kiss her breast and held her torso tightly. Jennie grip on my shoulder every deep thrust I was doing.

"Fuck! Yeah! Fuck me more! Ugh!" My wife cried as I fuck her hard, deeper, and faster than she wants.

Want to know what time is it?! It's fucking 2 Am! My wife's hormones kick her again and wake me up just to tell me to fuck her because she was horny!
She was like. "Lisa I'm horny" so like a fucking wife I am. I woke up and started to give her what she wants.

Yeah what you think is right. Jennie is currently 8 months pregnant and it's always like this since her pregnancy steps into 3 months! She was waking me in the middle of the night to fuck her or to get her this and that! She even made me sing even I don't want to! And if I didn't do that she will kick me out of our room!

"Fuckk! I'm near daddy! Ugh!" She moans again. I move my hips faster than before so we could get our climax. I'm already near and I can fucking feel it. I feel heaven in the middle of the fucking night.

"Ahhhh! Fuck!" I moan loud as we both came. I shot my liquid inside of her that make Jennie moan too. I can feel her hot cum around my cock and the same as her.

I flop on top of her as I hug her tight. I kiss her forehead and remove my dick inside of her and lay beside her. As I was about to speak to her...she was already asleep. I told you she's always like this! After she gets what she needs and wants she will leave me awake!

Yes! She wakes me up and disturbs my dreamland to give me what she wants then after that she will leave me awake. I can't usually go back to sleep after being awake in the middle of the night. I was always having a hard time but I can still manage to go back to sleep. I pull Jennie closer to me and cover our body with a duvet.

I close my eyes trying to fall takes time but I just suddenly felt my eyelids heavy and I fell asleep.


"Love?" I called Jennie as I gently tap her cheeks.

I just finished cooking our breakfast. It's always been like this since Jennie got pregnant. I never let her do such a thing that might get her and our princess in danger. I love them so much to see them in danger so that's why I'm doing all the chores in the house. Even doing laundry and everything you can imagine.

Jennie is annoyed at me for not letting her do things. She said I was being overprotective but I just answered her that If something happens to them I wouldn't forgive my self and she find it sweet but it's not gonna remove the fact that's she's not doing anything even doing dishes.

I continuously tap her cheek as I was facing her really near. "Jennie, wake up" I softly said. I do it for the third time and she finally opens her eyes. Third trivia. Jennie is always sleeping since she got pregnant and I even have a hard time making her go up to her bed in the morning. We swap.

She smiled at me and pull my neck making my lips landed on hers. "Good Morning Love and my unborn princess" I said as I peck her on her lips before leaning down and kiss her belly. Her tummy is already big. Well, what do I expect? She's 8 months pregnant anyways.

I stand up from our bed and go to our walk-in closet and get Jennie clothes so she can put some on. Well if you all remember we did such a naughty thing last night so she's still naked under the duvet. I came back with pants and some lossy shirts and help her to wear them.

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