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The state of her sister right now was deja vu...this look was her state when they are in hospital and she lost her unborn daughter and it make Chaeng's heart heavy seeing her sister this way. Chaeng didn't dare to give the clothes to her sister and change Jennie's wet clothes by herself. Her sister was so lost at this time...doesn't even look like she is in herself.

After changing Jennie Chaeng walk towards Lisa and hug her without saying anything. Lisa's tears give another wave as she felt Chaeng's embrace. She place her head on Chaeng's shoulder as she cried even more. "J...Jennie is right...I d-don't think we can do this" Lisa said as she choke on her tears.

"No! You can...if she can't do this for the both of you at least you can do this for her...for the both of you" Rosè said as she rub Lisa's back while she wipe away the tears that had fallen from her eyes "Don't give up ok-"

"How can I don't chaeng? She attempts to suicide! She attempts to take her own life! I-I can't! I don't know if I will forgive myself if that's happened!" Lisa break down as she saw how Jennie's body was drowning in water earlier.

Rosè didn't speak anymore because she was afraid to say something not right. She can't tell her sister that it will be alright because even herself don't want to believe in it anymore. Since that day that's all she can say to her sister but that was before...because she thought it will really be alright.

But just by witnessing this kind of scene...she can't say the same word anymore. She doesn't want to make her sister hope high that everything will be the same....she just can't and she hates herself for already giving up the hopes that she has for them...they're both broken and if both people are broken and no one of them can will not be normal again.

Chaeng pull out the hug and excuse herself because she thought Lisa need some alone time so she go out of the room and decided to go to the spare room. She doesn't have any plan to go home after seeing what happened earlier. She can at least be here with her sister-in-law and sister....she can at least stand for them at this moment.

Lisa stays at the same spot sitting on the couch facing the window. She sat there lifeless but her eyes were wide awake. Confusing right? But that's how she felt. She felt lifeless but her body was still functioning and she hate it. Her tears didn't stop from spilling as a sudden flash from the night came again.

"Do you really even care about your wife and daughter?! How dare you cause this thing without even thinking?! If my sister drowns in fucking stress it was your fault! It was all your fault! This wouldn't happen if you just act mature and listen to her!" Taehyung said.

"It was your fault anyway! If you didn't just act stupid and be with Mina this wouldn't happen! If you just listened to Jennie that night it wouldn't happen! It was all your wrongdoings so why the hell is you even sulking there?!" Moonbyul said.

"Lisa if you can't look for Jennie while your working you should just send Jennie to Mom so someone could take care of her than, you" Tzuyu said.

Tzuyu, Moonbyul, and Taehyung voices rang on her head continuously as she close her eyes tight and dug her nails on her other palm causing it to bleed. Lisa shook her head as she can hear their voice blaming her. "STOP PLEASE! STOP!"

It was her fault!

It was her fault!

It will always be her fault and It hurt so much the only thing she could do was cry.

Her eyes quickly divert on her side once she felt some movement. She saw Jennie remove the duvet from her body and stand up from the bed. Lisa wipes her tears away as she stands up too. "Where are you going?" Lisa asks with her horse voice but Jennie didn't respond to her.

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