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"Where are we even going?" I ask Lisa. fortunately, this woman beside me calls me early in the morning telling me to dress up because we're going somewhere so me being a lovesick puppy I instantly stand up from bed and took a bath and dress up. It took me 1 hour and once I'm done I go downstairs just to saw her sitting in the living room and waiting for me.

She was smiling cheekily when she see me and greet me with a good morning before dragging me here inside of the car she brought that I'm sure is one of her grandfather's cars but I don't mind any car she has. I'm not that picky. Her being my driver will be already okay Lol.

"Just wait for a little Nini" she said and glance at me before smiling that really brought a smile to my face too.

It's been two weeks since she came back almost every day we're together. If she doesn't have something to do she will go into my company unannounced and will ask me for lunch, dinner and sometimes she's going to my house so early just to have breakfast with me. How sweet is that?

Every morning I'm waking up with a smile on my face. I'm just so happy with what happenings these past few weeks. My heart can't take it anymore for too many flattering moves Lisa did for me. She's like courting me and always persuading me and it felt nice like hell.

I told myself that once she comes back I will pamper her with everything but end up she's the one who's pampering me with too much love and care and even make me happy every single day or even seconds, minutes or whatsoever but of course she's not always the one who's making this so-called relationship work.

We're both making it work because we want it to work. None of us ever do great things but we can do all small things with great love and together we can do something wonderful.

These past few days too Lisa has been so clingy and I can see the progress because both of us are not that awkward around each other like the first day we met again. We're back to comfortable with each other. Well who wouldn't be comfortable with each other if almost every day you're together.

She's even calling me names...names like what couples do and whenever she's calling me that my heart is really thumping mad like a crazy animal. I can't help but blush because it's really flattering and nice to hear every time she's calling me names! She even makes a nickname for me which is 'Nini' and it's a cute nickname.

I'm her Nini and she's my Lili.

Since Lisa come back home everything starting to be perfect. She's the last piece of the missing puzzle in my unfinished jigsaw puzzle and when she came back she completed all of it. Just thinking about how I became happy than I am made me smile and also teary because of joy.

Hell I never thought I can be more happier than I know. I'm happy to be surrounded by friends and family the past years but I became happiest when she came back. She's really the light of my dark life. Lisa became my bright star in a lonely gray park.

She's perfect...she's just perfect. To her I can only see my future. Lisa is the only person where I can see to build a family with. To have a beautiful soul's children. She's only that person who can give me that because others are not capable to make me happy like how she's making me now.

I just hope we're going to be together until the end. I won't let her go. She'll be mine.

"Hey...why are you crying?" I was back to my senses when I felt a hand wiping my tears. I look around and that's when I realize she stops her car in the side road because I'm being stupid and doze off in my thoughts.

I face her and just shook my head and smile. I don't even realize I'm already crying. Hell how numb I am to not realize what is happenings in my surroundings and to me in a minute? "Nothing" I said and she just raises her eyebrow.

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