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"I would like to congratulate the company team, employees, directors, and shareholders of the LM Corporation. All of them are part of this success and all of these would not happen without everyone's hard work. Especially to my precious hard-working granddaughter Ryujin. All of us know that since the day Ryujin take over the company she's been nothing but a very kind and hard-working woman. She's still a young woman but she handles the company so well. Since she serves in the company she didn't do anything but brought and take all successful projects and dealings to the LM Corp. so for my dear granddaughter Ryujin Manoban. I would like to send my wholehearted congratulate on this success that you work hard for" Grandfather said and smile and they applaud including me. 

Ryujin is all smiley because even her she can't believe that she could be in this position. when Ryujin takes over the company she always has this thought that she can't do it or she might mess up but hell! look at my little sister now! she's one of the youngest powerful CEO of Korea along with Jennie.

LM Corporation became the top 2 biggest Companies in Korea while JRJ Corporation is the top 1 and of course, it's because of my dear fiancée. Ever since Jennie handle their company their ranking never goes down because she's just amazing. Well she's Jennie Kim.

What do we expect right? Jennie is a very genius woman.

LM corporation is in on top 3 companies in Asia while JRJ is top 1 that's why this banquet really has a reason to be thrown. well not just because of us but it's because of the success of the company. We're just like add-ons like what drink has. I'm very proud of my little sister if you'd ask me.

I just wish our Mom and Dad are here to witness all Ryujin's achievements.

"Tonight's event is not only because of the success of the LM Corporation. As I said earlier. I want to introduce to all of you the two important people in my life" Grandpa said and stop for a moment and look at our table before giving chaeng and I a bright smile.

Oh my god! This is fucking it! Why I'm so nervous?!  Should I run away? I don't want this.

I place down the wet wipes that I've been pressing on my forehead since earlier because Jennie said so. She's my boss that's why. Anyway Chaeng and I are just biting our lower lips because I don't know? Maybe she feels the same way as I do. We're both nervous.

Once grandpa releases our name on his lips our freedom will be gone I guess? Or not? Well, I hope it's not that bad and besides our family is not like a royal who needs to be guarded 24 hours but hell my grandparents are acting as if we are! Aishah they are insane.

"They're important in my life. After so many years of not touching and being with them they're finally with me. Since then I've always wished to be with them and to be part of their childhood but fate just doesn't really work in that era" My grandfather joke and make a face that causes them to laugh.

"Anyways, Both of them are daughters of my late son and daughter-in-law Patrick Manoban and Rebecca Manoban who established LM Corporation. Introducing them as my granddaughters are a really big deal to me because I want to be known as a grandfather of this amazing woman's" he said with a smile.

"Ms. Lisa you can come with me along with Ms. Roaseanne" My grandfather's assistant whispered to my side that really startled me. I sigh and stand up as I motion chaeng to come with me.

We went beside the stage without catching anyone's attention. "Why does it feel like we're going to go walk like Victoria's secret on the stage" Rosé whispered to me.

"We're different. I felt like I'm going to be announced as a president of the Republic of Korea" I said.

"You're so full of yourself! You look like going to be announced as a leader of the Bamboo stick" she said and roll her eyes.

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