Sick on the job

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You were on a mission with the team, when you got back on the jet with a bullet wound in your arm you treated it yourself. You didn't want the team to know that you were sick. "How's your arm?" Tony asked "Fine, just needed a couple stitches" you replied. It was going to be a three hour flight back, you were now rethinking the idea of actually going on the mission.

You got up and ran directly to the bathroom, thank god Tony had the sense to install one. When you left Steve, Bucky and Bruce were stood outside "are you okay?" Steve asked "No, I feel like crap" you replied. You went and sat down, Nat walked in "Does any want something to eat?" She asked, just the word 'eat' made you gag "I'm gonna throw up" you said, everyone froze. You gagged more harshly covering your mouth with your hand.

Nat ran to the Medbay "Bruce, we need a sick bowl now" she said "We haven't got any, Fury took the last ones" Bruce replied "Shit, not now. Have you got anything?"" She asked "best I can give you is this" he said holding a paper bag "it'll do" Nat said as she ran back.

Nat handed you the bag just in time. Bucky rubbed your back "Are you airsick?" He asked "No, I'm just sick" you replied. Clint landed the jet and it jumped a little, your complexion went green once off the jet. You knelt on the floor and threw up, Fury walked in "(Y/N), can we not puke?" He asked "I don't feel well, I feel like I'm dying." You replied.

It wasn't long before you passed out, Bucky was quick to catch your head "She's left it too long" he said. Bruce brought out the stretcher, Bucky laid you on it and they both took you to medical "I'll clean the floor. It's kinda my fault she's so pukey" Nat said.

In medical, you woke up with Bucky sat beside you "How are you feeling?" He asked "Tired, my stomach hurts" you said "Bruce gave you a painkiller a couple minutes ago so it should start working" Bucky replied. Steve entered "Next time tell us you're sick. We can call off missions or cut down the team" he said. "I didn't want to seem weak" you said "You will never be weak" Bucky said. Nat came in "I'm sorry, I made you so pukey. I didn't know" she said "I didn't tell anyone, so it's my fault" you replied.

When they left, you turned to Bucky "Thanks for putting up with me" you said "That's what we're here for. You get some rest" he said "Only if you sit with me" you said shifting a little. "Okay. It's because I'm warm isn't it?" He asked "Yep" you replied.

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