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You'd been working hard, you started to get overwhelmed with papers from Fury. You had to file them and log them and make sure they were up to date. The Avengers had begun to notice you becoming withdrawn from them. You walked in the kitchen for your third cup of coffee that day, Vision walked in "Hello, Miss (L/N). You look severely exhausted, maybe instead of caffeine I'd suggest going to bed" he said "Can't Vis" you replied, walking back to your office.

Tony entered your office "Stark what do you want?" you asked "You to sleep" he replied "No, I have work to do" you replied "You need to sleep. you can't live of coffee" he said "If you're not saying something useful get out of my office before I make you!" you said "Okay, Okay, I'm going" he said leaving. Nat came in and so did Bruce trying to convince you to go to bed, you snapped at them both. Stephen Strange was the next to try and even he couldn't do it, you became more and more snappy.

Steve walked in, "Hey" he said "Will you stop!" you yelled "(Y/N), you're sleep deprived, you need to rest" he said "I can't. Fury will have my ass. I don't give a shit about anything but my work right now" you replied "First of all, Language. Second of all, you're not the first sleep deprived person I've dealt with today" Steve said. You got up from your desk, you went over to him and broke down "Everything I do for him is never good enough. I work and work and work, it keeps piling up. I can't do this anymore...I can't cope" you sobbed, Steve noticed that your hands were shaking "You've drank to much coffee, come on let's get you to bed" he said. He picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist. He locked your office door, he carried you upstairs. When he walked into the living room everyone stared "How did you do that?" Nat asked "She just broke down. I'm going to lay her in my room with Bucky. They'll stay in bed until they are okay again" Steve said.

He laid you down and covered you up.

Hours went by, it was nearing the evening, Bucky was awake watching TV in the living room. Steve went to check on you. You seemed to sound asleep, as he was about to leave the room he heard you mumble something. "No...No...get away! Stop!" you screamed. You woke up, Steve sat in front of you and you nearly punched him "Sorry" you said latching on to him like a koala bear "It's okay. You want to talk about it?" he asked "No, and never" you replied. When you let go of him, your skin went a little green "You need the trash can?" he asked "No" you replied. Bucky came in "I heard yelling, (Y/N), what's up?" he asked "N..Nothing" you replied "No, there's something, Cookie. You look like you're about to hurl" he said "I'm not" you replied swallowing it back. Bucky went into the kitchen and got a trash bag from under the sink. He sat on the bed beside you, he opened it up and placed it on your lap.

Steve watched you carefully. You leaned forward, he held your hand. Bucky put one arm around and you and held you hand with the other as you threw up, "Fri, get Dr Strange" Bucky asked "certainly Sargent Barnes" she replied.

Stephen came up as you leant on Bucky, he did a couple checks on you, " it's stress. She needs time off work the lack of sleep hasn't helped her at all." He replied. "What about the sickness?" Steve asked "The nightmare caused her to have a physical reaction, she should be fine" Stephen replied before leaving. 

Bucky and Steve got you settled down again and you went right back to sleep. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now