The Bullied Stark

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You had just gotten back to the compound after school, like everyday you came back with a few more bruises and couple of cuts and scrapes. You were bullied constantly for being the adopted child of Tony and Pepper, you hated every minute of the time you spent there. You didn't have the heart to tell Tony or Pepper that you wanted to drop out of high school, so you just put up with it. Wanda had caught on from reading your mind, she kept it a secret. You were walking around the compound when you saw Vision, you ran up to him and hugged him. At first he was shocked and confused "(Y/N), you seem to have more injuries that yesterday. May I suggest you go and see Dr Banner?" he said "I don't want to, Vis. I just want comfort" you replied "You've come to me, is this because Mr Rogers and Mr Barnes are on mission till tomorrow?" he asked, you nodded. "Okay, let's go to Wanda's room, she can help" he said. You took his hand and he took you there.

Wanda got off the bed the minute she saw you "Oh hun, it's happened again" she said, you nodded "Okay, under the covers, I'll get you a snack and your favourite drink, we'll listen to some music and I'll put in a soothing sleep" she said. She came back, put on you're favourite playlist and you drank the drink, and ate the snack. Vision held you comfortingly as Wanda began to use her magic, putting you in a better place to get some rest. She used this time to clean your wounds and dress them.

The next morning you woke to your alarm, it was only a Tuesday and you didn't want to go to school. You turned the alarm off, laying back down. Only to be woken up a few minutes later by your Dad "Up you get, you've got school" he said "No, don't want to" you replied "Come on (Y/N)." he thought for a moment "Wait, are you feeling okay?" he asked. You knew this was your time to put those acting skills you'd learnt into practise "Stomach hurts, dad." you said. Tony came over "Kid, this is really unlike you. FRIDAY, ask Wanda to bring the heat pad" he said. Tony placed his hand on your stomach, "OWWW" you cried "You're really sore, No you're not going to school, let me call them" he said kissing your forehead. Wanda entered as Tony left "That bruise bothering you?" she asked "Yeah" you replied "I spotted it last night, thought it might so I charged this up" she placed it gently on your stomach "Steve and Bucky will be back soon so I'll send them directly to here then they can care for you" she said.

A few hours later, Steve and Bucky returned, once they had lunch, Wanda sent them in the direction of your room. They opened the door, finding you crying, curled up against the head board "(Y/N), What wrong with our little soldier?" Steve asked, Bucky wrapped you in a hug, he noticed the heat pad "Talk to us, we won't tell you're Dad or Mom" Bucky said. "I'm...I'm b..b.being bull...bullied" you sobbed "Shhhh, we're here." Steve said "Ever..Everywhere h..h..hurts" you cried. "Okay, lay down, princess" Bucky said. You laid down, Steve took away the heat pad, he lifted your shirt, your stomach was black and blue, Bucky checked your neck, arms, legs and back and head "Whoever has done this too you, has really done some damage. I never seen someone so bruised for a long time" Bucky said. "I just want comfort, I don't want anything else." you said, your eyes refilling with tears. Bucky got on the bed, you were sandwiched between both super soldiers, they held you carefully avoiding all of the bruises "Just cry it out, if you get angry, or anything, we're here to calm you down. Nothing will harm you." Steve said. After a little while only small sniffles could be heard, you'd fallen asleep, every shift causing you to whimper in pain. "She's in too much pain, the poor thing" Bucky said.

You woke up half and hour later, "do you want some lunch?" Steve asked "No, still hurts" you replied "we're going to have to take you to Bruce honey, we need to get your pain under control" Bucky said "No, I don't want him to know, he'll tell mom and dad" you replied "it either Bruce or the hospital" Steve said. "What about Dr strange?" You asked "Okay, we'll ring him and take you to his hospital" Bucky said.

Steve went to go contact Dr Strange, he went into his bedroom for privacy. "Dr Strange, I need you to keep this a secret, from Tony and Pepper." He said "okay, I won't tell them, what's going on?" Strange asked. "(Y/N) is being bullied at school, she came home yesterday covered in bruises and cuts. Wanda cleaned them but she's in Pain and it's getting out of control. She doesn't want Bruce to treat her as he will tell her parents and she been with us all day not eaten anything either" Steve explained "Bring her in, I'll be at the emergency room waiting for you" Strange replied.

Bucky wrapped you in a coat and put your bear and blanket in a backpack. You, him and Steve headed down to the car, "where are you guys going?" Tony asked "we're taking (Y/N) out to Central Park for a walk, to see if it makes her feel better" Steve said "okay bring her home if she's not" Tony said.

You got in the back of the car and snuggled up to Bucky while Steve was driving. Bucky wrapped the blanket around you. It wasn't long before arriving at the hospital, Dr Strange was outside waiting, Bucky picked you up and carried you in. "Can we have an IV line, strong painkillers, fluids and the portable x ray machine as quickly as possible" he asked.

After all the checks, Strange came back "okay, the x rays didn't look good. Two broken ribs and three are fractured. Majority of the bruise are on the bone. It all explains the pain. I'm going to recommend time off school and possibly a change of school. Once the meds are through I'll give you a few more and some fluid, leave the iv in and you can give her them until she doesn't need them" he explained. Bucky and Steve looked at you "she's coming out of that school, there is no way she can stay there" Steve said.

The meds had finished, Bucky picked you up and carried you back out to the car, he gave you your bear. Once back at the compound, Steve and Bucky took you to their room, "you can stay in here with us, I'm going to tell your mom and dad that the school isn't suitable for you" Steve said. Bucky let you cuddled him and watch a movie. 

Steve went down to the lab "Tony, Pepper can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked "Sure, Steve" Pepper replied "(Y/N)'s having some issues at school, she didn't want to come to you and talk about them" Steve said "What kind of issues?" Tony asked "That's the thing she doesn't want either of you to know, she's scared of what you'll say" Steve said "Is that why she's not been well?" Pepper asked "Yeah, She's in my room at the moment with Bucky, you can go talk to her but please be gentle, Tony" Steve said. 

They headed up to the room, Bucky paused the movie when they walked in "Hey, hun. Steve says you've been having issues at school, please tell us what they, we're not going to be mad at you" Pepper said "You promise?" you asked "We do" Tony said "I've been getting beaten up everyday, all because you have adopted me" you said sadly "Is that why your stomach was sore this morning?" Tony asked, you nodded "and everywhere else" you said. "You could've told us, let's go see Bruce" Pepper said "We took her to Dr Strange downtown, he gave her some pain meds and sent her home with extras that we'll give her. She got bruised bones, fractured and broken ribs" Bucky said "I wanna drop out of high school" you said, tears rolled down your cheeks "You can, okay. We'll ring the school, get you out of there. You shouldn't have let it come to this honey. I can't imagine how much pain you're in, Your Mom will get some heat bean bags, to soothe the pain and some food" Tony said. 

They left the room, you sobbed into Bucky's chest "Hey, shhh, shhh. It's gonna be okay. We're going to take good care of you, you have nothing to worry about" he said rocking you side to side. Pepper came in and placed the heat pads on some of the most painful bruises, she had brought in a selection of snacks and some sandwiches, she put them in the mini fridge "You can get some sleep, Just ask when you're hungry, Steve and Bucky will get whatever you need" she said kissing your forehead. 

Steve got on the bed, you snuggled between both him and Bucky, you fell asleep to Bucky humming a song and Steve playing with your hair. 

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