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Eros had landed on Earth in search of other Eternals, to let them know the truth. What was about to happen was something he never planned for. 

You were around a corner in an alley way. A place you shouldn't have been, shortcuts to your apartment felt like a perfect idea, You where exhausted from school and just wanted to curl up in bed and not go again. That was until you were slammed against the wall, you fought with all your might, trying to get out of the grip of this older teen. You got free but they grabbed you again and slammed you against wall with your arms behind your back, there was no way you were getting out out of this at all. You felt the sharp knife against many areas of your skin. 

Eros heard a scream from down the alley way, he went to investigate and found a young teen being cut and held against a wall. Your stomach now being pushed into the wall "Hey get off her!" Eros yelled "What are you going to do about it?" they asked "Well, how about a bit of this" Eros said, he started to change the gravity around the attacker, dropping them on the floor, they ran off in fear. His next concern was you, he went over you as you turned around leaning on the wall, that had splashes of your blood on "Darling, You're going to come with me, let's get you cleaned up" Eros said, you took his hand, he helped you walk to the ship. 

When you got on, Eros took you to his medical room, he sat you on the bed "You're going to be fine, kid. I just need to clean and close up any deep wounds, then I can clean and wrap the scrapes" he said "Who are you?" you asked "Eros, I'm an Eternal, I came to earth looking for the others but found you instead, do you have a name?" he asked "(Y/N)" you replied "A very pretty name, Which wound is the worst?" he asked "The one that runs from my lower stomach to lower back" you replied. Eros took a look, he pulled one of the machines closer, he put some numbers in to it "(Y/N), you're going to take a little nap, this machine, will send you to sleep" he said "Like anaesthetic?" you asked "Yes, but way less dangerous" he said 

Eros put the mask on you, you were soon asleep, he cleaned, stitched and wrapped every wound on you, he put your wrist in a splint, then changed the numbers in the machine to wake you up, which didn't take long. "You're all sorted, just don't move, the stitches are very delicate." he said "Where am I supposed to go?" you asked "You're staying here, I'm going to take you to a guest room, then you can rest" he said, lifting you off the bed. He tucked you in the guest bed "I'll bring you some food a little later, your bag is with in reach so if you've got anything you can do, like reading a book or something, feel free. I'm around, if you need me, if you need me in the night, the computer will pick up your voice and tell me when you need me" he said "This is really cool, thanks Eros" you said "You're very welcome, starlight" he said. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now