Peter's Mistake

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A 15 year old on your first Covert mission, simple quick and easy. Not todays. You weren't feeling well at all, you felt the worst you've every felt for years. But you didn't say anything for the sake of the mission. The Jet hit some turbulence, you sank in your seat but didn't tell anyone. Once landing at the base, you thought you were going to collapse from the dizziness. You followed Nat inside to the room to extract the files for Fury, wondering whether the Nausea was just that or you were about to throw up. You both ran out and back to the jet. Well Nat did. You were only half way. Tony picked you up and flew you to the jet. 

You flopped into Bucky's arms "(Y/N)! Nat get a bucket!" he said. He sat you between his legs, Nat came with the bucket she gave it Bucky, he held it for you. You pushed it away "I'm fine" you said getting up. "You should really see yourself right now, I'd accept the help" Clint said "I'm fine" you repeated. 

During the journey back home Bruce made an attempt to check you over "Stop! Don't need it! Go check someone else who's injured" you said. He just walked away knowing that a teenager in a bad mood was something he just didn't want to deal with. Bucky decided to sit down in front of you "(Y/N), are you okay? You can tell me, I won't say a thing to anyone else" he said softly. You couldn't reply, you covered your mouth with the sleeve of your suit, but the vomit came up anyway, Bucky grabbed the bucket and placed it in front of you "Here, use it" he said. You didn't stop throwing up for a little while, Bucky moved the bucket when you'd done, you dropped laying across the seats. Bucky noticed you were pale, shaking and the dark smudge under your eyes. 

He got a blankets and covered you with it, he pulled it over your shoulders and clips the safety belts in to keep you from falling. He cleaned the bucket and brought it back, he sat with you, stroking your hair. Steve entered "Is (Y/N) okay?" he asked "She's unwell, I'm worried though, she's thrown up and then just collapsed like this" Bucky explained "Why don't you let Bruce take a look over her?" Steve asked "No, no Bruce" you said, "I think you need to" Bucky said "No...You can take care of me" you said "She's not wrong" Steve said "Oh, shut it, you." Bucky said. 

The Jet landed back at the tower, Bucky walked you out and to his room, he laid you in his bed. You really didn't feel good, you were cold and dizzy. Bucky had gone to help unload the jet, you got up, ran to the bathroom, lifting the lid of the toilet and collapsing in front of it. FRIDAY alerted Bucky, he ran to the bathroom, he held your hair back as you continued to puke and remain hunched over the toilet dry heaving. FRIDAY also called for Bruce, he came up with his medical bag. Bucky wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. "What are you doing here?" you mumbled "Checking on you" Bruce replied "I'm fine" you groaned "You literally vomited. Seriously, What the hell are you bringing up?" Bruce said. You pulled out the sweets, you had in your pocket that you'd been eating that morning, you handed them over to Bruce. When Bruce peeled the first label off it revealed the true contents. Bruce checked your temperature straight away "104...These aren't sweets, they are vitamin C Gummies. You've overdosed on them" Bruce said. 

"Did you know?" Bucky asked, you shook your head "Someone has deliberately tried to Overdose her then" Bucky said. 

"I'm just going to get some medicine" Bruce said "I don't wanna take it, I want to sleep" you whined. Bucky held you like a child, he hated seeing you unhappy "We can put it through an IV, if you prefer" he said stroking your back, you nodded and laid your head in his shoulder. He carried you down to the lab, sitting on the bed holding you. Bruce put the IV in your hand and put the medicine in a drip "This should clear up the last of the Vitamin in her system, her fever should come down too" Bruce said. "Why would someone do that?" you cried "I don't know, sweetheart. I wish I knew" he said "Why make me sick?" your voice broke "Oh, sweetheart, please don't cry. I'm here. From now on, I will check everything you eat before you eat it. If you buy sweets I will check, okay" Bucky said. You sniffled while hugging him tighter "I don't want this to happen, I'm scared." Nat came in "How she doing?" she asked "Okay now, but she's really upset. So much so, I just going to check everything she's going to eat and every food item she buys. I want to find out who ever did this to her" he replied "That bad. I'll see if I can trace anyone who might have wanted this to happen" she replied. 

You fell asleep, Bucky laid you down on his chest. Steve came in "I thought you'd sit with not actually lay with her" he said "She's upset and clingy. I don't mind. She's scared a little bit" Bucky replied "Nat told me...You know she's goes out to eat too" he said "Yeah, I plan to go with her" Bucky said "What if you're on a mission?" Steve asked "Don't worry, I'll prep her meals before hand then I know" Bucky replied. "You've really thought about this, you really love her" Steve said "She's like my daughter, basically is." he replied. 

"I found footage" Nat said walking in with a laptop "Who was it?" Bucky asked "You're not going to believe this" Nat said. The footage played, "Peter Parker" Steve said. 

Peter walked in the room "You switched (Y/N)'s sweets, Why?" Nat asked "I did it as a prank" he replied "You could have killed her, look at her. You overdosed her on Vitamin C" Bucky said. "I didn't know, I thought it was harmless" Peter said "I'm going to tell Tony what you've done" Steve said "Please don't...I didn't mean too" Peter pleaded "It's not a matter of what you meant, its a matter of she's now wary of things she's eating because of this" Nat said. You woke up with a gasp, you were breathing heavily. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry" Peter said "Get out! Don't come near me!" you yelled. "Please don't do this" Peter said "Go! I don't want you anywhere near me anymore, forever!" you cried. Peter left with Steve to go and find Tony. Nat came over "(Y/N), lay back down, you're okay. This will never happen again. Me and Bucky promise that you'll be free from Overdose" she said. 

You drifted back off to sleep, Bucky keeping you in a protective hug. 

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