Agents of Shield

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You, Skye, Simmons, Fitz and May were all on a mission. On the way back everyone seemed to have got ill, all part from you, or so you hoped. You landed back in the hangar "Coulson, Mack and Lincoln get down to the hangar, I need your help they're all sick" you said "We're on the way" Coulson replied. They were stood outside the jet not long after, you carried May out first, Coulson took her to her room "Lincoln get Skye" you said, you carried Simmons out and let Mack carry her to her room, while you carried Fitz. Once everyone was in their own rooms, you gathered everything and dropped them off at each room "I'll stay with Simmons, Mack can help Fitz" Yo-Yo said "Thanks so much" you replied. 

You went back to the jet and unloaded the object taking it to the lab and placing it in the quarantine pod until Simmons could deal with it. You set the lab up and gave it a clean before figuring out whether you needed to get an agent to run errands to the shop, Bobbi came in "Do you need me to grab anything?" she asked "Yes, soup, just the easy stuff that you warm up. Medicine, for flu, headaches, stomach pain and sore throat stuff, get some tissues. Oh and Fever reducers" you replied "Holy crap" she exclaimed "I know" you replied. You went to make sure everyone was okay. Made yourself a drink and some food. Then took bottles of water to everyone. Bobbi came back, she put the soup in the cupboard and you went around handing the medicine out and tissues. 

"(Y/N), you don't need to work so hard" Coulson said "Look, you take care of May, I will be fine" you replied. 

You headed to Coulson's office and sorted out everything and logged the mission notes, filing a few things away. 

It was about 2 am when you walking into your bedroom and took a shower. Hunter was in bed "Hey, what have you been doing?" he asked "May, Skye, Simmons and Fitz are sick. I took them supplies, filed things for Coulson, cleaned the lab, put the object in a safe space, logged the mission and even carried Fitz to his room" you replied "You've been quite the busy bee" he said "I know, I need sleep" you replied "Now is the time Love" he said. You fell asleep really quickly. 

Hunter wasn't beside you when you woke up. There was a few issues, you felt way too hot, your head was pounding and your stomach was aching, so did every inch of your body. Hunter walked in "Love, it's time to get up!" he said, when you didn't move nor reply, he came over and placed his hand on your cheek "Bloody Hell, I'm just getting the thermometer" he said getting up. When he came back he sat on the edge of the bed "Can you sit up for me? he asked, you did so but were falling asleep, he placed the thermometer in your ear, a few seconds later it beeped "102.5" he muttered. Coulson came in the room "It's a bug" he said "What with an 102.5 fever?" Hunter asked "Shit, It's not that high is it?" Coulson asked "Yep, gonna give her cold shower. Can you get everything that she might need?" Hunter replied "Sure thing, we've ran out of buckets so a bowl will have to do though" Coulson said "That's fine" Hunter replied. 

He picked you up and carried you into the bathroom, you were way to out of it to notice much. Hunter took his shirt off, ran the shower, undressed you and stood with you in it, you gasped at how cold it was "Sorry, babe. I know it's cold, but it should bring your fever down" he stroked your hair, comforting you as you shivered. Hunter got you changed carried you back to bed, he got himself redressed, he brought some cool patches for your forehead if you were still warm. Coulson brought everything in and left him to it. You fell asleep in his arms, Bobbi entered "so sorry" her eyes widened "She's sick, how bad?" she asked "Really bad, had to give her a cold shower. How are the others doing?" he asked "Not great, they've been sick a few times, Fitz passed out not to long ago" she replied. You whined, shifted, whined again, holding your stomach "I'll get her a hot water bottle or something along those lines" she said. 

Hunter woke you up so you could take some meds, but you went pale, your stomach tensed up as you leaned forward, Hunter quickly grabbed the bowl "Just a second" he said, you gagged. Hunter's arm was around you, he held the bowl, he noticed you holding back "(Y/N), if you need to be sick, be sick in the bowl, love. You'll be okay, I'm taking care of you" he said rubbing your stomach. You eventually threw up, it was at least 5 minutes, you collapsed and cried, Hunter laid you down and cleaned the bowl before bringing it back, he placed the hot water bottle on your stomach and laid a patch on your forehead, you had a few sips of water. Lincoln came in "Coulson told me about her fever, I just want to check her over" he said, Hunter let him do what he needed to do "She's got the bug, it developed yesterday but she was so distracted that it's only hit her this morning so she will be like this for at least another day or two." he replied "Thanks, is there anything I can do to help her, mainly when she's puking?" Hunter asked "Not much, just let it pass, if she's struggling to bring it up, rub her lower back it should kick start everything if needed" Lincoln said "Okay thanks" Hunter replied. 

"(Y/N), I need you to take some meds, okay?" Hunter said "I'll just throw them up" you said "Just try them, they might help you" he said trying to convince you. He sat you up and gave you one pill at a time, you them all and laid back down, trying to get some sleep. After a few hours, Bobbi had been making soup, she came in as you woke up "Would you like some soup?" she asked "No, thanks. I feel very sick, I don't think I can keep it down" you replied "Okay, just let Hunter know if you want anything, it'll be in the kitchen" she replied. Hunter was currently getting some fresh pyjamas out for you. You grabbed the bowl, you vomited the pills back up, Hunter ran in, you were almost passed out, he took the bowl from you and placed it on the side table. "Hey, focus on me" he said, you looked up, he held your hand, keeping you upright "Don't fight it, I know you're dizzy" he said. You fainted, he laid you down on top of the covers with a towel under your head on your side. He checked your temperature and it had gone down, he replaced the patch, you began to wake up "I'm just going to change you into some fresh pyjamas and then lay you properly on the bed" he said 

Once you were changed, the bowl was clean and you were laid in a more comfortable position, he got ready for bed and laid with you, rubbing slow circles on your stomach. 

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