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You were in a meeting, it began with a sneeze, then a cough. They turned to look at you "(Y/N), are you okay?" Steve asked "Fine, just choked" you replied getting your breath back. The meeting was over, you got up and felt tired and achey, you linked Steve's arm as you walked out "You feeling okay?" Nat asked 'Fine, didn't get much sleep" you replied. 

You went up to your floor and went straight to sleep. 

Hours later, you were woken up by JARVIS "Shut up" you mumbled "I must wake you, Miss (L/N). It appears you are sick." J replied "Don't care" you replied "You're temperature is high, you're heart rate is slightly elevated" Jarvis said, before you could reply a coughing fit ensued "J, Get Steve" you rasped. Steve ran into your room "Just breathe, slowly, In and out" he said calmingly. "JARVIS, make run the bath as hot at possible" he said "Right away Captain Rogers" the AI replied. Steve picked you up and carried you in the bathroom, sitting you beside the bath, he got a cool towel and held it against your forehead "Breathe in the hot air, okay, you're gonna be fine" he said "Steve....I can't....Breathe" you gasped "You can, (Y/N), in.....out. Keep going" he said. In the meantime Jarvis had called for Bruce. 

Bruce arrived and entered the bathroom "How she doing?" he asked "Still struggling" Steve replied, Bruce listened to your chest "Do you know whether she had any previous conditions before the serum?" he asked "No, I don't think she had any" Steve replied "I can confirm there was none. It seems she's experiencing a severe cold, which is causing her chest to close." Jarvis said. Steve picked you up "Keep her sat up, I'll go get some meds" Bruce replied. 

Steve sat against the headboard with you on top of him, he rubbed circles on your back as you coughed every so often. Bruce came back with the nebuliser, "No, don't want. just want cuddles with Steve" you said "Come on (Y/N), it's the only way you'll get better" Bruce said "No 'm not sick" you replied "You are sick. Let's make a deal, if I hold the mask, will you breathe it in? But if you don't it's going on even if I have to pin you down to put it on, got it?" Steve said. You nodded. Steve did so. Bruce left him with you. 

"Steve...I don't feel well" you said "I know, I'm staying okay? Just get some sleep" he said "What if I get you sick?" you asked "You won't, baby girl. You won't." Steve said kissing your forehead. A few hours later, Tony entered "There's the sick princess and her prince charming. JARVIS told me, god she look awful" he said 'I'm not surprised, she struggled to breathe for at least two hours" Steve replied "I'll go make some soup, she needs to eat" Tony said. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now