Peter Parker

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You and Peter went to the same school, but your barley saw him in lessons as you were put into different groups. This meant when you got hurt by the bullies he wasn't there to comfort you. Mr Stark had kept him off school today to help prep for a mission, you'd all be going on. You went to school the same as always. You got home beaten and bruised. You went down to the lab, avoiding the gazes of the team. You sat down "Peter, I need a hug" you said "Come here" he said. As you stood up, you winced, his spider-senses seemed to picked up on it, he came over and hug you gently. "Lovebug, what happened?" he asked "I don't want to talk about it" you replied "You're hurt" he said. 

Peter put his hand on your lower back, when he move it he saw blood. "FRIDAY, Dr Banner Now, Please!!" Peter yelled "He and Mr Stark are on their Peter, stay calm" FRIDAY said. "Pete, the bullied did this" you said. Mr Stark and Banner came through the doors "What's wrong?" Mr Stark asked "I got hurt, by the bullies. Everywhere." you replied, he picked you up and carried you over to the bed. Peter held you hand "(Y/N), you're gonna need a couple stitches. What happened?" Banner asked "I don't know, I could have been stabbed or something" you replied. "Shit, you're not going to school tomorrow, I'll call you in sick" Mr Stark said "But I've got to go. I have a test" you said "No, you've just said you could have been stabbed so no" Mr Stark replied. 

The team came down as Banner assessed your injures "She's been through hell and back in one day" he said. Clint picked you up "How about you, me and Peter go watch a film?" he said "Can we have snacks?" you asked "Yeah, you pick the movie, I'll get the snacks. Peter you get a blanket" Clint said. He carried you to the living room and sat you down on the couch, you went through Netflix and found a film, pressing play. Clint and Peter sat beside you, the rest of the team came up and joined in. Banner gave you a painkiller that would work with your powers. You fell asleep as the credits rolled, Peter had also "Let's leave them here tonight" Clint said as you both snuggled into each other. "They such a cute couple" Nat said "Couple?" Tony questioned "Yeah, did you not know, they've been dating since the beginning of the school year" Steve said "Apparently not" Tony exclaimed almost waking you both up. 

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