Secret Widow

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You were walking in New York, preparing to cross the road which was something that you oddly hated because of how Busy the street were. You walked on green which was what you were supposed to do, but suddenly...


A car hit you straight on, they obviously stopped. Everyone around was shock but no one came to help you. Above your head you saw someone swinging by, he landed beside you "Hi, I'm Spiderman. Don't move." he said looking over your injures " hit" you replied "How are you still conscious?" he asked "Didn't hit my head" you replied trying to sit up "No you don't. I'll pick you up" he said. He took you to the pavement "Okay, you're badly bruised, you've got a bad wound on your arm, I'll call Mr Stark and we can fix you up in our med bay" he said. 

"Hey Pete, what can I do?" Tony asked 

"I was doing the duties and...someone got hit by a car, I have her with me. She's conscious but badly hurt. Come pick us up near the cafe" he replied 

"Yeah, I'll be on my way, How she feeling, was it brunt force on her stomach?" Tony said 

Spiderman looked at you "Feeling okay?" he asked "My stomach hurts from the car, my ribs do too" you replied 

"It was a bit brunt, she's got a sore stomach and ribs" he said. 

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute" Tony said. 

"He's on his way, what's your name?" he asked "(Y/N)" you replied "Wait, do you go to midtown?" he asked "Yep" you replied. "I'm Peter" he whispered "I know. I saw you before" you replied "You've known all this time" he asked "Yeah, when you go, Spiderman appears I kinda worked it out" you replied. You winced in pain "It hurts, I feel dizzy" you said "That wound is bleeding, Stay with me" he said. Tony arrived, Peter picked you up "Got a towel or something?" Peter asked taking his mask off "Here, how's the patient?" Tony asked "I'm dizzy" you replied. "Stay awake, we'll get you to the tower and fixed up" Tony said. 

"Peter...I'm going to pass out" you said "(Y/N), stay with me. We're nearly there" he said. You fainted "Mr Stark..." he said "I know, kid. Keep hold of her. Dr Strange is outside waiting" Tony replied. 

Peter carried you out of the car and laid you on the bed. They wheeled you down to the Medbay. Dr Strange stitched you up, put you on oxygen and hooked you up to the monitors, he checked for internal bleeding there was none and he check for broken ribs with three were "She's going to be just fine, it might take her a couple minutes to come around but she'll be feeling much better. Three ribs are broken so she might be in a bit of pain, but I did put a painkiller through her Iv" he explained. 

Peter sat next to you, as you woke up "Thanks for saving me" you said "No problem it's my job, three ribs are broken, but you've had some meds so let me know if it gets worse and I'll see if you can have more" he replied "Umm... can I meet the avengers?" you asked "Seriously, who do you want to meet?" he asked "Bucky, Wanda, Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye" you replied "Okay, Friday, ask them to come down" Peter said. 

They came down "What is it spider-boy?" Bucky asked "Meet (Y/N), she asked for you" Peter said, you waved "Hey kid" Clint said "Hi, this is a dream come true" you said "Meeting me?" Bucky asked "Yeah, I look up to you all" you replied "Wow, you really have an interesting set of inspirations" Nat said "I know, but you're all amazing." you said. Wanda looked at you "Hun, would you like some soup?" she asked "Yes, if you don't mind" you replied "It's no bother" she said. 

Bucky sat beside you "Someone has found something" Steve said "Be quiet, Steve. She looks up to you too" he replied "True, can I have a go with your shield at some point" you asked "Maybe, if you get better." Steve said. The others left as well as Peter, Bucky stayed. 

"So, what's going on?" Bucky asked "What do you mean?" you asked "Well, considering, I'm your hero, what happened?" he asked "During the battle of New York, a building collapsed on me, I broke my arm in three places. They put some pins and stuff in my arm and told me that I'd be lucky if I could get any sort of use out of it again" you replied, he smiled softly "I'm guessing you still get nightmares" he said "Yeah, most of the time. But I want to be a hero" you said. Wanda brought you some soup "Can I look inside your mind after, I'm curious that's all" she said "Yeah, I kinda wanna find out how it feels" you replied. 

After the soup, you laid back, Wanda looked into your mind. She saw glimpses of fast paced training and ballet, then New York. She brought you back to reality "You saw my real life" you said "Yep, did you let the car hit you?" she asked "No, I was on my way here to ask for help" you replied. 

Dr Strange ushered them out of your room "Tell Nat and him" you said to Wanda "Okay Hun, you get some rest" she said. You ended up falling asleep. 

A few hours went by and you woke up, breathing heavily "Hey, its okay. Wanda told me" Nat said, hugging you "It's so real, I keep reliving it. I want it out" you cried "Hush, I know. I know exactly how it feels" she said. Bucky came down, "Hey doll, nightmares?" he asked, you nodded "You too?" you asked "Yeah" he replied "Stay with me, I don't what to go back." you said "I'll be right here" Bucky said. 

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