Tony's assistant

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You had been filing paperwork all morning for Tony, you were his secretary since Pepper quit the business. You were doing this all night and and before you knew it was morning and you still had loads to do. You also knew that the team was coming over with the new recruits.

It was now noon and the team had arrived, they were gathered in the function room. You were still in the office. But now had finally finished. You went up to the function room. You saw the team "Mr Stark, sorry to disturb, I've finished filing the papers, is there anything else you need me to do?" you asked "(Y/N), should you be working this hard?" Nat asked "It's no problem" you replied. "Could you tidy the lab, it's just the desk?" Tony asked "Sure thing, Mr Stark" you replied as your turned around heading in the direction of the lab.

It wasn't just the desk. You managed to clean it. You went back upstairs, you stood by the bar. Steve came up to you "Do you want a drink?" he asked "Can't still technically on duty" you replied "Did you sleep at all last night?" he asked "Perfectly fine" you replied "I'm sure Tony won't miss you for a few hours, go and rest" Steve said.

You headed to your room, unknown to you there was someone else on the same floor. You're vision became blurred, you bumped into someone "Hey, (Y/N)" Bucky said "Hi" you replied "Everything okay?" he asked, you didn't reply "(Y/N), you in there" he said "Yeah, sorry. Space out for a second" you said "You're exhausted" he said. You collapsed, Bucky caught you "I've got you, doll. You won't fall" he said. Bucky picked you up and carried you the rest of the way to your room. He tucked you under the cover "Get some sleep" he said. When you drifted off, Bucky went back to the function room.

"Where have you been?" Steve asked "Carrying (Y/N) to bed. She had blurred vision and poor concentration" Bucky replied "Okay, at least she's sleeping now" Steve said.

Hours passed, Tony had gone to bed after Bruce told him go and sleep off all the alcohol. "Mr Barnes, it appears Miss (L/N) has collapsed on the kitchen floor and needs some assistance" FRIDAY said "I'll be there in a few minutes" Bucky said. He made his way to the kitchen, "(Y/N), what do you need?" he asked "Painkillers" you replied. Bucky got a glass of water and crushed the pill mixing it in, he helped you drink it "Back to bed now, this time I'm staying with you" he said.

He tucked you back under the covers and laid on top of them. You were asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, Tony was hungover, normally you'd take care of him but Bruce was taking over as you weren't feeling too great. You got up that morning, stumbled into the living room where the team was hanging out and sat on Bucky's lap, he kissed the top of your head "Morning princess" he said "Morning" you replied, he noticed you weren't moving, he held your hand, you didn't seem move your arm "What's with the floppiness?" he asked, Nat snorted "Oh shut up widow" he retorted. "Tired, can't be arsed. Don't feel too great" you replied "Okay, doll. Just let me know if you need anything or want to go anywhere, I'll carry you" he said. Steve came up from training, "Need anything over there?" he asked "Bottle of water with a straw" Bucky replied. Steve came over, Bucky gave you the water, holding it to your lips as you drank.

Bucky sat you on the couch "Steve, come here" he said. Steve came over, Bucky lifted your arm and you just let it fall "How long has she been like this?" Steve asked "Since this morning, she walked in here sat on my lap and then it all started" Bucky replied. Steve felt your forehead "Slight temperature, can't move, something is definitely wrong" He said. "I know, but if I take her to Bruce, Tony will just brush it off" Bucky said.

At that moment Tony entered the room "where's (Y/N)? She's supposed to be working" he said "She's not working, she doesn't feel well" Steve said. Bucky laid you down on his lap, "she's got a day off tomorrow surely she could last a day" Tony said. You started to get up, but you just fell off the couch, Bucky picked you up, tears fell from your eyes "let's get you checked out" Bucky said. He carried you down to medical. Bruce was working in the lab when Bucky walked in.

"This looks serious, what's going on?" Bruce asked "tired, doesn't feel great, can't move, slight temperature" Bucky listed as he laid you on the bed "okay, let me just get few bits" Bruce asked.

When he came back, he checked your sugar, oxygen, heart rate and temperature "low blood sugar, I'm assuming she's not eaten, temperature is up. It's severe exhaustion" Bruce said. He went to get some glucose. Bucky held your hand "You need to rest" he said wiping your tears. "I'll just give her this and the you can take her upstairs. Make sure she drinks, maybe juice and a cool cloth to bring the temperature down" Bruce said.

Bucky took you back upstairs and to his room where you laid against him and began falling asleep. You snuggled up to him "if you ever feel like this again,  come to me, I'll take care of you" he said kissing you softly.

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