The Wrong Medicine

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You were staying at Aunt May's and Peter's before headed to go and help Bucky with Morgan the next morning. You were helping Peter with his suit and making a few adjustments to some of the features. The next morning, you got up and had breakfast "Pete, mind if I take two of your motion sickness tablets, sometime when I drive over long distances I get sick" you said "No, they're in the bathroom cupboard" he said. You got up and grabbed the bottle that you recognised taking two of pills out and going to the kitchen for a glass of water. Once you took them, you said goodbye and headed out to your car.

You started to get a headache on the drive but ignored it and the odd feeling in your stomach. You pulled into the driveway and knocked on the door. Bucky answered it "Hey, Morgan's just napping" he said as you walked in. "Do you want a drink?" he asked "No thanks" you replied. You sat down on the couch and watch TV with Bucky. Morgan woke up an hour later and came running to the living room, giving you a hug. "Let's go make you some lunch" Bucky said "You go with Bucky, I'm going to the bathroom, I won't be long" you said. "You okay?" Bucky mouthed, you shook your head.

You headed into the bathroom, closing the door. You hovered over the toilet, you were trying not to be sick but you were failing miserably. You threw up, managing to stop yourself which Bucky would disagree with but you didn't want to Morgan to worry so, you got up and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water, Bucky kissed your cheek. You were sat on the couch watching Morgan's favourite Disney film.

Around 20 minutes into the film, you sprinted to the kitchen, while Morgan was perfectly distracted Bucky followed you and closed the door. You were sat at the table "(Y/N), you don't look so good" he said. You collapsed to the floor, Bucky got the bowl from the cupboard, he sat you back on the chair, Morgan wondered into the kitchen "Is Auntie okay?" she asked "She's just not feeling well, do you know where your dad keeps the towels?" Bucky asked "Yeah, Uncle Bucky" she replied "could you go and get one?" He asked "okay" Morgan replied.

Morgan came back with towel. She walked out the room. Bucky tucks your hair behind your ear. You start throwing up, he holds the bowl and your hand, whispering in your ear.  When you stopped he washed the bowl and got you a drink "Feeling any better?" He asked "No, still feel sick" you replied. Bucky took you to the living room, you both sit on the couch. You lay your head on his chest, he puts the towel over you and holds the bowl close by. Morgan climbed on to the couch and snuggles with Bucky. You and her fell asleep.

Your phone begins to ring, Bucky answered "Hey Peter" he said "(Y/N) took the wrong tablets when she left, she took Aunt May's instead of the motion sickness ones. She's going to end up throwing up" he explained "She already has twice" Bucky replied "You got to take her to Bruce, he has some medicine that stops the medicine from working he used it on me before" he said "I can't I'm babysitting Morgan" Bucky said "when Mr Stark comes back take her then" Peter said "Will do. Stop panicking, she will be fine. She's my girl, I know she'll be okay." Bucky said.

It wasn't long after that Tony and Pepper came home "How was Morgan?" Tony asked "perfect as ever" Bucky replied "What's with bowl?" Pepper asked "(Y/N), she's not been well. But Morgan was a big help" Bucky replied "Aww" Tony exclaimed as he picked Morgan up and took her to bed. Pepper looked over you concerned "James, do you want me to ring Bruce to come down. You both can stay in the guest room tonight" She asked "If that's okay, then yeah" Bucky replied "Of course, What are her symptoms, then he can just bring the right medicine?" she said "She took the wrong tablets at Peter's, they were Aunt May's not the motion sickness tablets, she's thrown up twice" Bucky explained "I'll let him know, you take her upstairs and get her comfortable" Pepper said. 

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