Bucky Barnes

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You are the youngest Avenger, even younger than Peter Parker. You were 14 years old, normally any 14 year old wouldn't be on a team, going to dangerous missions and fighting to save the world. You were no ordinary teenager, you had spent majority of your life as a young assassin, trained in the Red Room, hired by HYDRA, that was until Bucky Barnes took you away from that life when you both fled to Romania. Now you were both Avengers. 

Tony sent you to school, even through you didn't want to and Bucky didn't want you to go. You were in the Gym as Peter was tasked to keep an eye on you during your free time. Flash came over to you "I googled you, How come you're not in prison?" he asked. Peter, Ned and MJ watched to see how you'd react. "(Y/N), the most famous child assassin, the Red room and HYDRA has ever had, yet here you stand in this Gym" Flash said. You minded flooded with the horrors, the nightmares you had, everything you longed to forget coming back. Peter ran to you "(Y/N), its Peter. Listen to my voice" he said, MJ and Ned knelt beside you "I'm calling Mr Barnes, you're going to be fine" Ned said. Peter dialled Bucky's number. 

"Mr Barnes, it's Ned, Peter's friend. We've got a problem, it's a code blue" Ned said. 

"Full Code blue?" Bucky questioned. 

"Yep, you need to come get her now. Peter will explain when you pick her up" Ned said. 

"Where are you?" Bucky asked. 

"The Gym" Ned replied. 

It wasn't to long before Bucky arrived. He ran through the Gym, everyone staring at him, MJ and Ned moved out the way "(Y/N), let's get you home" Bucky said. He and Peter helped you up, and walked you out. Steve was in the drivers seat, Peter got in the front and Bucky was in the back with you "What happened?' Steve asked "Flash, the bully. He googled (Y/N), everything came up, the article on how she's was who she was. He said she should be in prison for what she's done" Peter explained. You were crying "(Y/N), sugar. I've got you, Bucky's got you. Just breathe slowly, in and out like we've practised" he said. 

Nat was stood outside with a blanket, "How is she?" she asked "Not good. When we're in we need to activate high security protocol, or there will be trouble" Bucky said. Nat wrapped the blanket around you. Bucky carried you his room, Nat and Steve staying too. You had calmed down, and were slowly drifted off to sleep. "Captain Rogers, Miss Romanoff, there seems to be a police force outside the compound" JARVIS said. "I'll deal with them with Tony, Steve stay here" Nat said. 

Tony and Nat were outside "We have word that (Y/N) (L/N) is living in this building" the chief said "(Y/N), poses no danger. Director Fury has stated that she stays here under our protection and care. Whatever Flash told you was mind control, they took her mind, placed something else in. They changed her, she's is traumatised by her past" Tony said "She need to come in for questioning" they said "No, if you could see the state she's in. She's not talking at all, not even to us. You won't be entering this property and you will leave before I call SHIELD to deal with you" Nat said. The police were going to begin arguing but Tony told them to leave and never return, which they did. 

When they went inside, JARVIS locked the doors and Nat got on call to Maria Hill straight away. 

The next day arrived. Bucky left you to sleep in after yesterday, it got to 11am and you were still not awake, so he went to see you. You were curled up, he pushed your hair away from your face "Hey, How are you feeling?" he asked "Not good" you replied "In what way?" he asked "I want to stay in bed, I don't feel well" you replied "Are you hungry?" Bucky asked, you shook your head, groaning "What is it, Angelcakes" he asked "Stomach hurts" you replied. "I'll make you a hot water bottle, you just stay in bed" he kissed your forehead. 

Bucky went into the kitchen and got one of the hot water bottled from the cupboard and waited for the kettle to boil "Where's (Y/N)?" Steve asked "In bed, she's not feeling well. I'm just making a hot water bottle" Bucky replied "How bad is it?" Steve asked "She doesn't want to move" Bucky replied. 

You walked in as the kettle finished, you hugged Steve "You need anything?" he asked "I...I threw up on my bed" you replied "Don't worry about it, feeling better?" he asked "No, worse" you replied. Steve took your hand and guided you back to the bedroom, sitting you in the chair. He began to strip the bed. He piled the laundry on the floor, he went to get some fresh sheets, you scrambled to stand up, only getting as far as the laundry before throwing up. Steve sat beside you, Bucky came in with the fresh sheets, he put them on the bed and went over to you, raking your hair back "You're okay, get it up" he said. When you stopped after 20 minutes, you laid down on the floor, Bucky held the hot water bottled on your stomach wrapped in a towel. Steve took the sheets to be washed and put the clean ones on the bed. 

Bucky picked you up and laid you down. The team came up to the living room as Steve entered. "Where (Y/N) and Bucky?" Tony asked "(Y/N) has just thrown up twice and has really terrible stomach cramps so Bucky is laying with her. I'm just getting her a glass of water" Steve said. "I'll take it to her, and check her over" Bruce said. 

He entered the room, he held the glass to your lips and you drank a small amount "You're very pale and feverish" Bruce said, "Pain is in the middle of the stomach, not moving anywhere. I think you've caught a nasty bout of the flu, along with the stress of yesterday, has made the symptoms worse" he added. "Anything we can do?" Bucky asked "Not really, just keep her cool, keep the pain at a low level and comfort her" Bruce said, "Thanks, I'll stay with her today" Bucky said "I'll let the team know, call if you need help" Bruce said before leaving.

Bucky got up, went to the bathroom and dampened a cloth under the cold water, he also brought the bowl from the cupboard and placed it on the side. He laid the cloth on your forehead as you snuggled up to him. He noticed you were shaking, he put the blanket over you "You'll be better soon. You're never going back to school" he whispered kissing the top of your head. 

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