Eros (Eternal's fanfic)

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Even though this guy was the brother of the Mad Titan, Thanos. You couldn't help but stand there and stare at him, he was you vision of perfection. The others were staring at you staring at Eros. "(Y/N), are you okay?" Phastos said, you nodded "You might want to actually breathe then" Kingo said, "Sorry for...staring" you said breathlessly "It's fine" Eros replied. The conversation got back on track, discussing the emergence and powers, basically everything that was needed to know. 

You all retreated to the bunks on the ship. You were sleeping soundly, until your fight against what you thought were long gone creatures, re-entered your mind. As much as you tried to push it away, it got all the more powerful. Sersi entered your room, seeing you tossing and turning, she woke you up, you shot up "Calm down" she said "Can't...I've just been attack by the deviant again, it keeps happening and I can't stop it" you cried "You have to, you have to learn to control it" she said "I can't control it" you said. She got up from the edge of your bed "I don't know what to do, I really don't know. I'm going to wake Eros, he might be able to help you" she said. 

Sersi went to see Eros, she entered his room and woke him up "Sersi, It's 2am" he said "I know, I need to ask you for a favour" she said "Go on" he replied "(Y/N), since the deviant attacked her, has been reliving the moment through dreams. She can't control them at all, it's gets worse each time she has them" she explained "Okay, do you need me now?" he asked "Yes" she replied. 

Eros entered your room, you were curled against the headboard as tightly as you could. He sat on the edge of the bed, his first instinct was to press a hand to your forehead "You're cold, I expected you to be warm" he said, he got the fluffy blanket you kept at the edge of your bed and wrapped it around you "Where did this Deviant hurt you?" he asked. "Y..You want to s-see" you said "If that's okay with you" he said. You turned on your side, lifted your jumper up "Front and back, w-went s-s-straight t-t-through" you replied. You started shaking, "Let's just concentrate on warming you up and calming you down for tonight. A change of scenery might do you good" he said, he helped you off the bed, slowly walking you to the living room, you both sat down, he tucked the blanket around you, you settled down into his side "You get comfy, I won't move" he said. You started dosing off, he carded his fingers through your delicate bleach blonde hair, before long you were asleep. He brought you onto his torso, laying down. 

When he woke up, you were still sleeping, he held you close. Sersi came in "How was she?" she asked "Bit shaky and stuttering, temperature dropped. She's sleeping fine right now. It takes a lot out of her" he said "I know, she was never like this, Eros. It went from bad to worse. One day, I worry we can't wake her up" Sersi said "I'll make sure that won't happen. I need to know one thing" he said "Anything" Serisi replied "How much of her power did the deviant consume?" he asked "We don't know, Phastos found her passed out on the beach, beside Druig was trying to wake her" she replied "I think the power has something to do with it" he said. 

You woke up, "Thank you" you whispered "You're very welcome" he whispered softly. 

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