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You entered the lab, bypassing Micheal who was working at his desk. You collapsed in a heap on the medical chair. Micheal looked over "Nice of you to greet me" he said. You hadn't moved nor spoke. "(Y/N)?" He questioned. When he got no response, he slowly walked over to you and sat on the stool by the chair/bed, leaning his crutches against the wall.

Micheal put his hand on your shoulder, your eyes opened slowly "You okay?" He asked "too weak" you replied "scoot up, let me look at you" he said. You pushed yourself up the bed, your chest heaving from the effort, Micheal could see from the dark circles beneath your eyes that you hadn't slept in days, "Micheal, it's bad isn't it?" You asked "Nothing I can't fix. You need to sleep. I'll run some tests to make sure nothing else is wrong." He said. He took out the electrodes and attached them to you, as he turned the monitor on your body seized up. "Breathe, keep breathing" he said.

It took a couple minutes for your body to relax, alarms went off, as a nurse came running "Dr, it's one of the children" she said "I'll be right there. (Y/N), stay here." He said "I need to go with you" you said "You're in no state to do that" he replied, you started to get up in protest, but Micheal was already out the door.

Half an hour later, he came back with the nurse who was carry loads of extra supplies. "Thanks" he said to her "No problem, if you need anything else just call" she replied. You had gotten so pale, your skin was practically translucent, you coughed, blood dripping from your lips, "are you gonna tell me what happened?" Micheal asked while finding a vein. "I might have been hit by a car or two" you replied "might?" He asked "okay, was and it was several." You said. Micheal hung some fluids and cut through your shirt "And when was you going to tell me about this infection?" He questioned, you didn't reply "I can't help you if you don't help yourself. This explains the blood you're coughing up." Micheal cleaned the wound and dressed it. He messaged the nurse a photo of the infection and asked for some antibiotics to be sent.

Micheal moved your hair away from your face, "Micheal?" You said "Yes?" He replied "My legs feel tingly" you said "okay, sit up" he helped you, he started to gently press down your spine, you flinched, grabbing his arm tightly "hey, you're okay. Lay on your side, take the pressure of your spine, I'll send you for a scan and x-ray" he said. The nurse came down with the antibiotics, "good timing, can you put in an order for a spinal x-ray, MRI scan and CT scan, just to cover all bases. Put in an order for some Morphine too, I've got some down here that will last but we'll need some more" Micheal said "Sure, When the Radiographer is ready I'll come down with a wheelchair and take her" the nurse replied.

After the Scans and X-ray, you were back in the lab with Micheal. He was looking at the results, "Good News, you're not paralysed. Bad news, you've got severe nerve damage" he said. You didn't say anything, Micheal looked over at you "We'll figure it out, we always do. (Y/N), please look at me." He said. You looked up "How am I supposed to help people?" You asked "by working with me, that's how. We're going to save these children" he said.

Without warning, your body shook, and seized up again. Micheal was by your side quickly, he immediately gave you a medication, "Its okay, you're okay." He soothed. You came around a few minutes later "You keep having seizures. I'm going to put that down to the damage done. We'll get them controlled, I'm going to change your IV to a PICC line so the treatment can be controlled better" he said. "Micheal, can you please just hug me?" You asked "of course." He replied. You shuffled a little on the bed the nurse brought to make room for him. He got on and held you, "After all those times you've taken care of me. Its my turn to take care of you" he said, kissing your forehead.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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