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After being captured in the middle of a battle, you were experimented on with different chemicals, Bruce couldn't work out what each one caused, he knew one would take affect at some point but didn't know what it would do.

You were going about your day like normal, spending it with Steve. You were in the briefing room with him going over files. "Shall we get some lunch? He asked "Sure" you replied. Steve got up and you took his hand getting up too. As soon as you stood, you collapsed, Steve caught you "Darling, are you okay?" He asked "Steve, I can't feel my legs at all" you said. He picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the lab. "Hey Capsicle. What's wrong with (Y/N)?" Tony asked "I've lost all feeling in my legs. I can't stand or walk at all" you replied "Oh, let me get Dr Banner" Tony said. Steve sits you down on a chair, you look up at him worried. Bruce came over "That chemical, you were injected with, has caused this. I don't know whether I can make a cure or whether you'll be paralysed for the rest of your life. I will do my best" he said "So what do I do?" you asked "I will ask Stephen to bring a wheelchair for you to use" Bruce replied. 

Steve took you up to the kitchen where Wanda was making lunch. Once you'd all eaten, Nat looked at you "Am I forgetting something?" you asked "We've got training" Nat said "I can't" you replied "Why?" Nat asked. You looked down, feeling embarrassed "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Wanda asked "I am Paralysed" you replied. The table went silent "I totally get it, I don't deserve to be here anymore in the tower" you said "No, don't ever think that. You deserve to be here after everything you've gone through, we're here for you. It's just a shock that's all" Clint said. 

Steve sat you on the couch, Wanda sat with you while he went to train. "You know, Steve will carry you every where for the rest of your life" she said "I know. Stephen coming with a wheelchair later, it's so weird. I never understood what they injected me with. I don't even know if theres more things to come" you replied. "I wish I could tell you, I genuinely wish I knew" Wanda said. Vision floated in "Hey, Vis" you said "Hello (Y/N), Do you require anything?" he asked "No, not yet. Thanks for asking" you replied "No problem." he said. 

A few days went by, you got the hang of the chair and carried on working on the files with Steve. Bucky helped you to gain more upper body strength with a new training regime. You were sat in your bedroom, when you started to get a funny feeling. "FRIDAY, get Steve" you said "Right away,  Miss' she replied. Steve ran into the room "Are you okay?" he asked "Something feels funny. I don't know what it is" you said. 

You began shaking "Steve!" you shouted, he held you close "I've got you. FRIDAY, Get Bruce, Stephen and Wanda" he said. "Right away Captain Rogers" the AI replied. They all ran in, Bucky had followed them too "What the hell?" he exclaimed. Stephen held your wrist, "Pulse is elevated, temperature going in the wrong direction" he said. Steve sat you up against him, you threw up in your own hand "What's happening?" you asked scared. Bucky got the trash can from the other side of the room, you started puking "everything hurts" you cried. Once you'd stopped, Wanda sat in-front of you "(Y/N), I'm going to get into you head and find out what's going on" she said. 

In your head, appears flashes of the past, the injection "This will make you have the greatest powers anyone could have, you will have the ability to perform telekinesis on anyone. This power comes at a price" the doctor said. Wanda brought you back to reality and you passed out. "She's developing telekinesis, she'll have the powers like I do. But they come at a cost, which is paralysis" Wanda explained. You woke with a gasp, your eyes went momentarily red before you passed out again. "They have fully developed, she will be at her weakest for a few weeks, but her strength shall regain and I will help her control these powers" Wanda said.

Bucky got a cool cloth from the bathroom and Steve held it on your forehead as Stephen, Bruce and Wanda left the room. "I'm here if you or her ever need me, I will do anything I can" Bucky said. "I hate seeing her like this. She's seems so small and fragile. Ever since she collapsed, she's not been the same. I'm worried that she thinks she's not worthy of the Avengers title. And that everyone think's she is too delicate for the job. Fury has even cut her from mission because of her paralysis" Steve said "Maybe now with these powers he'll reconsider" Bucky said "Or he'll call her a weapon of mass-destruction" Steve said. "I'll stay here, for you and her, just tonight on my orders" Bucky said. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now