Tony's Epilepsy

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You were sat in the lab supervising Tony, he couldn't be left alone due to his newfound Epilepsy, he tended to never tell anyone when he starts to feel one coming on, and due to the this he's had a few major seizures. You were waiting for any signs of one beginning. There was none just yet, maybe today was going to a good day. You went to go get a drink when you heard a thud, you turned around and saw Tony on the floor shaking. You laid him in a position so he could breathe, and held his head. You started to time it. 

It got to three minutes, you needed to grab the medicine but knew you couldn't leave him unattended "FRIDAY, call for anyone in the tower now!" you said "Right away, Miss" it replied. Pretty much the entire team ran down "I said anyone, not everyone" you mumbled. "How long has it been?" Bruce asked "5 minutes" you replied "Was there any signs?" he asked "Not a single one. Someone grab the medicine" you replied. "Medicine?" Bruce said "Well, you know the one you give to stop the seizure" you replied "We haven't administered one yet" Bruce said. "What?! Now would be a bloody good time!" you exclaimed "Six minutes" Steve said. Bruce grabbed a vial and syringe with a needle from the cabinet, he gave it to Tony and he stopped seising. You removed your hands from under his head. 

You stood up and cracked your knuckles which grossed out Sam "Eww, don't do that" he said "Oh shut up, you try having your hands smash into the ground by Tony's head" you replied. "Gladly" Sam said "Right, you're next on the supervising shift then" you replied. After Bruce had gotten Tony onto a bed, he came out of the room "Let's take a look at your hands, I want to make sure there is no damage" he said, "I'm fine, trust me. They just get a little stiff" you replied "If you're sure, You did really well" Bruce said, "Thanks. I'm going for that drink now, Sam, you take over" you said. 

You went up to the living room, Bucky was sat on the couch, you grabbed the bottle of flavoured water and sat on his lap "Didn't think you'd want everyone there, you might have gotten overwhelmed" he said "No, I just got my fingers smashed into the floor for six minutes by Stark's big head" you replied "Did you gross Sam out when you cracked them?" he asked "Of course I did" you replied "That's my girl" he replied. You kissed him and pushed him back on the couch "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) and James Buchanan Barnes!! You better not be doing what I think you're doing!!" Clint yelled "No, of course not, we're just relaxing, isn't that right Handsome?" you replied "Yeah" Bucky replied winking at you. 

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