Just a cold

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You woke up to your head pounding, you couldn't miss your training session with Bucky. So you got up and put on a hoodie with a pair of joggers and trainers and headed down to the training room "Hey, Doll" he said. You walked over to him "You don't look too good, you wanna skip today?" he asked "No, I'll manage" you replied. You started sparring him, he caught every single punch. You stumbled a little, Bucky caught you, he noticed your temperature was way higher that it ought to be. You collapsed from the dizziness "Take it easy" he said lowing you to the ground slowly "You're burning up" he said, your skin was pale and coated in a layer of sweat. 

Bucky picked you up bridal style and took you to the medbay, Bruce took you from him and laid you on a bed "Wait outside" he told Bucky. After half an hour Bruce came out of the room "Is she going to wake up?" Bucky asked "Yes, she's asleep. It's only a cold but she over worked herself and blacked out, you can take her back to her room, with some water and rest she will be fine" Bruce explained. Bucky took you to your room, laying you on the bed and wrapping you up in two blankets, he went into the bathroom and filled a bowl with cool water and grabbed a cloth, he but the bowl on the side table and laid the damp cloth on your forehead. He went into the kitchen and got two water bottles and a few snacks for when you wake up. 

You woke up a few hours later "Hey sleepyhead" Bucky said "What happened, how did I get here?" you asked "Well, you passed out in the training room, scared the shit out of me. I took you to the medical bay, Bruce said you have a cold so I carried you up here to take care of you" he explained "I feel terrible" you said "I thought we could watch TV and eat snacks" Bucky said "Yeah, okay" you replied. 

Bucky sat on the bed with you, he took the cloth of your forehead, gave you a bottle of water and opened the large packet of crisps, he put on a sitcom. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now