Bucky Barnes

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You were locked in a cell after being thrown into some pool by your supervisor, to see whether you could be a good asset on water missions, the firm answer was no. When they got you out of the water, the laid you on the floor of the cell, not bothering to check to see if you were alive.

The Avengers were taking down the base, Steve and Bucky went in to check for hostages. They arrived at your cell "Steve, alert Bruce" Bucky said as he pulled off the door using his metal arm. Steve came in "She's not breathing, you're better off doing CPR, I might crush her ribs" Bucky said "Yeah sure, when I say, give her mouth to mouth" he replied. Steve began chest compressions "now" he said, Bucky performed mouth to mouth. Steve did another set of compressions "Again" he said. You began to gasp and cough, Steve rolled you on your side as you coughed up water. You looked up and saw them both "Hi I'm Steve, that's Bucky, We're going to get you out of here. Can you walk?" He asked "No, they drugged me too" you replied. Bucky picked you up with ease "How old are you?" He asked "17, I think" you replied. They carried you back to the jet.

Bruce had brought out a bed, Bucky laid you down on it as Bruce covered you with three blankets. "Do you know your name?" Bruce asked "Umm...(Y/N)" you said "Okay, (Y/N) I'm Dr Banner, Do you know what happened?" Bruce asked "They were seeing if I could go on a mission, so they threw me into a deep pool, I passed out, but they drugged me so I don't know whether that's why I passed out or not" you replied. "That's fine, How do you feel now?" He asked, you were unsure about answering "You can answer that, don't worry" Bucky reassured you "I don't know, I learnt to suppress any feeling before I was 14" you replied. They all looked shocked. Bruce did a couple checks and took some blood, only when back at base could they find out how to treat you for drug poisoning.

Bucky was holding your hand while sitting on the edge of the bed, you rested your head on his arm, he noticed you were really not well, he got up to go get tub. He came back and sat in the same spot. He helped you sit up as you were sick "I don't wanna die, I don't want to go" you cried as you kept throwing up "(Y/N), you're not dying, you're safe. It's normal if you've been exposed or taken something that your body doesn't like for this to happen. It's your bodies way of getting rid of any toxins. I need you to be calm, getting yourself worked up isn't going to help" Bucky explained. You began to calm down and settle down. You were shaking and shivering, as Bruce and Steve came in "I'll take the tub" Steve said. Bruce saw the state you were in, he picked you up "Bucky, you get on the bed, I'll lay (Y/N) down on you and cover her with the blankets, the added warmth should keep her from developing hyperthermia" he said. 

They took you down to medical for fluids and antibiotics, Bucky stayed with you, keeping you calm. "Bucky, I'm really confused" you said "About what?" he asked "Everything, who I am, what happened to me and why I can't remember things" you said "That's okay. I was once like you, we'll go though their files and work everything out. We'll help you" he said "Can I go to sleep?" you asked "Sure, you don't have to ask, if you're tired just sleep" he said stroking your hair. 

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