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You had spent the last few days taking care of Wanda and her flare up of seizures, you had called Bruce to come back early but he was told to stay behind. He finally arrived back and took over from you. You headed up to your's and Bucky's floor. You opened the door and Bucky was there "I was just coming down to see you" he said "Oh" you replied. You walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, you felt a wave of dizziness wash over you, you put your hand to your head. "Buck, I'm dizzy as hell" you said, he came over straight away placing his hands on your waist to steady you "I know I'm going to sound crazy but it's not a seizure is it?" he asked "No, I don't have them" you replied.

Bucky walked you over to the couch "too hot" you whined, Bucky helped you take off your hoodie "Too cold" you whined. He went into the bedroom and got a zip up "There you go" he said. "Dinner's ready" FRIDAY alerted. Bucky took you upstairs. Everyone was sat around the table including Wanda, Bruce keeping a firm eye on her. You only had a few bites and rested on Bucky "Want to sit on my lap?" he asked, "Please" you replied. He allowed you to get comfortable. Bruce looked over for a moment "(Y/N), are you okay?" he asked "Dizzy, got fever, feel like I might puke" you replied. You snuggled into Bucky's warmth, Bruce laid a hand on your forehead, you turned away "You're really warm, you need to take the hoodie off" he said "No, then I'm too cold" you replied "We had all of this upstairs" Bucky said.

After dinner, everyone sat around the TV for movie night. It was horror Movie night. There was a jump scare and you screamed. Steve paused the film "(Y/N), hey. It's just the film" he said "Sorry, I kinda zoned out" you replied. Steve pressed play. As the film carried on, there were many gory scenes, then one that was just plain gross, you turned away "Don't feel well, movie not helping at all" you mumbled. Bucky held you closer "Do you want to go to bed?" he asked, you nodded. "I'm taking (Y/N) to bed, the movie is making her feel worse" he said.

Once back up to the apartment you ran into the bathroom, Bucky went after you, he held your hair back and rubbed your back. You sat back "Feel better?" he asked "Yeah" you replied "Do you want a popsicle?" Bucky asked "Yeah, can you help me up?" you said "Yeah sure" he lifted you up, you were unsteady, he sat you on the counter and handed you the toothbrush and toothpaste "Thanks" you replied. 

While you were brushing your teeth, Bucky went to get the popsicles, he carried you from the bathroom to the bed "I brought you two" he said "Thank you so much, I love you. Can we watch a movie?" you asked "Sure, Disney?" he questioned "Of course" you replied "Love you (Y/N)" he kissed your forehead and snuck and bite of the popsicle. 

Marvel Imagines part 2Where stories live. Discover now