Bucky Barnes

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You were Clint's daughter, well adopted daughter. You lived at the tower instead of at his home. You were at school, with Peter. Not in the mood for anything at all. You were sat in the dining hall, Peter beside you. "(Y/N), have you had lunch?" he asked "No, I'll eat when I get home" you replied "What's wrong with you, you didn't answer any questions in science and just laid on the floor in gym" he asked "I'm fine" you replied "You're not. Do you want me to ring your Dad?" he asked "Don't Peter, please. I'm fine" you said "I trust you. We've only got one more lesson today and then Mr Stark is picking us up" he said.

After the last lesson, you and Peter got in the car. Tony was driving "How was school, kids?" he asked "It was good" Peter replied "What about you, sugarplum?" he asked "It was okay, I suppose" you replied. The drive was mostly silent. Once arriving back at the tower, you went to your room, put your bag by your desk and changed. You went straight to bed.

Tony was talking with the team "Have you seen (Y/N)?" he asked "She went to her room and hasn't come out." Nat said "Did no one check on her?" Steve asked "No. She'll be fine" Clint replied simply. Wanda wanted to say something but knew if it wasn't for Clint she wouldn't actually be in the room currently. "Seriously Clint, you daughter, could be crying, hurt or sick and you're just sat here" Nat said. Sam and Bucky turned up after their mission. Sam went to Bruce to get his wound sorted out. "I thought (Y/N) would be here to greet us" Bucky said. "She's been in her room since coming home" Steve said. "I'll go find out what she's up to" Bucky said.

He knocked your door, no reply. He opened it and peaked in. The room brightly lit, he saw you curled up in bed. He noticed you were asleep. He kissed your forehead "Sleep tight" he whispered, before turning the light off and leaving you be. Bucky went to get changed and watch a film with the team "So, What's she doing?" Nat asked "She was asleep when I walked in, I just turned her light off and left her be" Bucky replied.

The next morning, you didn't wake up for breakfast, it got to noon and Bucky decided to go and see you. He sat on the edge of the bed and gently woke you "(Y/N), everything okay?" he asked. You hugged him "Missed you too" he hugged you back. "Are you hungry?" he asked, you nodded "What do you want?" he asked "That sandwich you always make" you replied. "Okay, come on" he said. After Lunch, you were sat on the couch watching a film with Bucky. He noticed you weren't looked to well "Sweetie, are you feeling okay?" he asked "My stomach doesn't feel right" you replied "Like you're going to be sick?" he questioned "Think so" you replied. Bucky searched the kitchen for a bucket but couldn't find one, he got some tissue, he sat back down next to you, holding the tissue under your chin "FRIDAY, ask Bruce to come up here quickly with a sick bag" he said "Right away" FRIDAY replied.

Bucky put his arm around you "You're okay" he said. You threw up a little "That's it, in the tissue, if it gets on my hand, I'm not bothered" he said. Bruce ran into the living room and handed the bag over just in time. As you threw up your lunch, tears streamed down your cheeks "Don't cry, it's okay. Shhh" he soothed. You settled down, Bruce did a couple of checks "You've not got a fever, it's only your stomach and the vomiting. I know you've just had lunch. Did you eat anything yesterday after Breakfast?" he asked "No, I didn't eat lunch, I came home and went to bed" you replied "Anything happen that made you not want to eat?" he asked "We did dissection in biology, it was..." you stopped as you gagged, Peter came in "Peter what did (Y/N) dissect in biology?" Bruce asked "The heart of a pig" Peter replied.

Bruce went into the fridge and took out the cut of meat that was used at yesterday's dinner "(Y/N), look at me for a second" Bruce said. You turned around, "I think I'm gonna be sick again" you said, turning around "That solved that problem" Bucky said. "So, when she was getting the ingredients for the sandwich, she must have seen it and it's knocked her sick" Peter said "Exactly" Bruce replied. You laid with your stomach against Bucky's "You're okay, I'll make you something small and plain at dinner, I'll read you something" he carried you to his room.

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