Peters epilepsy and too much ice cream

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Peter had just joined the team, Aunt May was going away for work and she needed someone to keep an eye on him at all hours, so she dropped him off at Stark Tower. Due to his Seizures, Bruce usually hung around the rooms at all time. You walked in the kitchen that morning had breakfast and reached in the cupboard for the pain medicine "Are you okay?" Bruce asked "Yes, just got a small headache, I wacked it on the floor in training I missed the mat" you replied "Have you been checked?" Bruce replied "Yes, there and then on the spot by Nat, I don't have a concussion" you replied. You popped out two of the pills and took them. The team started to enter the room. Peter walked in looking miserable.

"What's up spider-boy?" you asked "I don't feel that great" he replied, everyone froze "What's wrong?" Tony asked "I think I have a fever and my stomach is hurting" Peter replied. You put your hand on his forehead "God Damn" you exclaimed, Bruce got the thermometer and checked "100" he said. You picked Peter up and laid him on the couch, Bruce got all the medicine for him to take. Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist "How's your head?" he asked "Sore, but I'm not concussed" you replied.

Peter took the medicine with very little persuasion. Everyone else had some food. Bruce put a bowl beside Peter just incase. "(Y/N) don't you think you should sit down for today" he said "Nope" you replied tidying up. Bruce had left the room to get a few things for Peter, in case of an emergency. You were sat with him, When suddenly he started to cough, you sat him up and held the bowl under his chin "FRIDAY, get Bruce now" you said. Bruce ran in the room, he took the bowl from you as you went to wash your hands. Peter stopped vomiting, and laid down with his eyes closed "That's the pills gone" he said. The team came upstairs and stayed in the living room all keeping an eye on Peter.

Hours went by, Peter stayed mostly asleep. You were sat on Bucky's lap "Anyone hungry?" Clint asked "It's only 10 am" Steve said "I'm getting a snack" Clint got up and went over to the fridge. He came back with a tub of ice cream and two spoons, he handed one to you as you sat on the floor beside him. Bruce came in after getting the thermometer from the bathroom "(Y/N) Barnes! Clint Barton! You both are either going to be sick or have a stomach ache after eating that whole tub" He warned "So what?" Clint replied "It's not my fault if it happens" Bruce said. After the ice cream, you all sat and watched the Tv for a while. Peter was awake a little more, Bruce and Tony keeping their eye on him "Pete, you okay?" Tony asked, he shook his head "What's wrong? Are you feeling funny?" Bruce replied, he nodded, they laid him on the floor, Tony held his hand, Bruce prepped the medicine. Clint had disappeared so Nat went to go find him.

Peter began seizing "Clint has a stomach ache, probably from the ice cream" she said sitting back down "you're not going to do anything for him" Steve said "Nope he'll be okay" she replied. Peters seizure lasted about 4 minutes, he woke up tired but fine, Tony laid him on his lap, stroking his hair. Bruce check Peter's temperature "still got a fever" he said.

You were sat on Bucky's lap, he had his hands on your stomach "Doll, you okay?" He asked "I don't think so" you replied "I can tell, I can feel you stomach cramping under my hand" he replied. While the rest of the team had lunch you stayed in the chair. They came over, Nat swapped with Tony for a while "You look a little queasy, (Y/N)" Wanda commented, you just nodded agreeing with her. Bruce looked over, "Bucky, grab the bowl" he said. Bucky held the bowl under your chin, you threw up, it took about ten minutes for you to stop, "That's the ice cream" Bruce said cleaning the bowl "Gonna be sick again" you said "Hang on" Bruce said, you gagged and coughed, Bucky sat you on his lap as Bruce gave the bowl back just in time, the second time seemed more than the first. When you stopped, you pretty much passed out on him "(Y/N), can you hear me?" Bucky asked "hurts" you whined "You ate too much ice cream baby. You'll feel better tomorrow, you sleep" he said "Can you rub my stomach?" You asked "Sure doll" he replied.

Peter went in another seizure and Bruce called an ambulance. When they arrived Bucky took you to your bedroom, laying beside you "Is Peter okay?" You asked "he'll be okay, don't worry. Do you want me to give you a bath and change you?" He asked "Yeah, I'm tired. " you replied. Bruce brought you a drink and made sure you drank it as Bucky ran the bath. He got in with you and washed your hair, he got you out and helped dry you off kissing you gently too. Then got out matching pyjamas and played some 1940s music to help you fall asleep.

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