Sickness and Confessions

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After a two month long mission, all the team wanted to do was pack up and go home. After loading up the quinjet, Clint took on the flight considering he had most experience in night flying. Wanda was already curled into Vision's side asleep, Nat had allowed her self to sleep between Steve and Bruce. You sat tiredly on the seat next to Bucky, resting your head on his shoulder which wasn't uncommon. Bucky was already asleep, you tried everything to get comfortable and just couldn't, your stomach felt like it was ripping itself apart. Tony came out to see if everyone besides Vis was asleep, he noticed you looking uncomfortable "Hey (Y/N), are you okay?" he asked "Yeah" you replied "Would you like a blanket?" he asked "Yes, please" you replied thinking the warmth my might sooth the pain. Tony came back with the blanket. 

As Clint was pulling into gear, at the tower. Nausea began to set in. You were the first off the jet, you ran to your bedroom, Bucky was right behind you "Where are you going?" he asked "Bed" you replied "Is there anything you want?" he asked "Sleep, that's all I want" you replied. "Okay, well, sleep well" he said. You got into you room, dropped your bags and ran into your ensuite to hurl the contents of your stomach into the sink as it was your best option. After about an hour of on and off vomiting, you collapsed on the floor. 

Bucky was busy unpacking his bags "Mr Barnes, Miss (L/N) seems to be seriously ill and requires attention immediately" JARVIS said "Oh, shit" he exclaimed as he ran to your room. He headed straight to the bathroom finding you unconscious on the floor "(Y/N), can you wake up for me, doll?" he asked, you whined not opening your eyes "I need to get you and the sink cleaned up," he said, you reluctantly opened your eyes "Let's sit you on the edge of tub, I'll give you half a cup of water while I clean the sink" he said, Bucky handed you the water "Sorry, you didn't sign up for this" you said "Don't be sorry. I've dealt with worse." Bucky replied. The sink was clean, he went to grab you some fresh clothes, he helped you put them on. Bucky began combing the puke out of your hair "You seem warm, I'll go get the thermometer from the kitchen" he said. 

Bucky came back, his heart shattered when he saw you hugging your stomach with your hand clasped over your mouth, he helped you up and over the sink "It's okay, darling." he tied your hair back in a messy ponytail, he pulled your hand away, his arms around you "Here we go, it's okay" he said. Your whole body shook "You're doing fantastic." he said. You finally stopped throwing up, drool was hanging from your lips. Your body convulsed forward as you heaved, nothing else came up. Bucky wiped your lips, he picked you and carried you to bed, he cleaned the sink again and brought a cool washcloth laying it on your forehead before sliding under the covers with you. "Bucky, I love you, it's not the fever talking. I've always loved you" you whispered, "This is very crappy timing, I love you too." he said "I was always scared you'd say no, I didn't want ruin anything" you said "Don't cry, cutie pie. We do not need you dry heaving okay? So close those beautiful eyes and get some sleep, you rest your head on my arm if it's cold enough" he said, you nodded. You rested your stomach against his, "It helps" you said "Love you" he said kissing your temple. 

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