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After your capture by Hydra, the base went down when it was attack by someone, this left you at age 6 wondering the streets alone. You found a corner at the entrance of Central Park to settle down for the night. You fell asleep almost instantly.

Bucky and Nat were heading back to the compound when he spotted a small silhouette by a wall "Nat, stop the car" Bucky said "what? Why?" She asked, "There is a kid on the side of the road, I'm going to go get them" he said. Nat stopped the car and Bucky got out, he took the blanket out of the trunk. He went over to you, he wrapped the blanket around you and picked you up off floor, you didn't seem to stir. He carried you back to the car and held you on his lap. "She's only small, she must be freezing" Nat said.

Bucky carried you into the compound and into the living room where the others were "Barnes, did you adopt someone?" Tony asked "No, I found her on the street alone and asleep" he replied. He sat on the couch holding you close, you started to wake up "Hey, little one." he said "Hi" you replied "Do you have a name?" he asked "I don't know" you replied "Okay, I'm Bucky. Do you know how you got on the street?" he asked "I was taken by bad people, then my home got attacked by someone" you replied "These bad people, did they have a red octopus on the wall" Bucky said, you nodded. You curled back up under the blanket. 

"We need to know who she is, Nat can you get into the files and find out?" Steve asked "Sure can" Nat said. "What do you want to do, Bucky?" Steve asked "Keep her, take care of her. Give her love" he replied "Well, we'll be here to help you" Steve said. Nat came back from the lab, with an emotional look on her face "What did you find?" Clint asked "Her name is (Y/N). She was subject number 147, they put her in the electrode machine, wiped her memories. They were training her to be an assassin, no one suspects a little girl. The base was taken down by someone who works behind the law, she managed to escape" Nat replied "Are there any mission reports, did they send her out?" Bucky asked "Yes, there's 4 mission reports, all complete, she did the job." Nat replied. "Jeez, she's so young. Too young to be dealing with all of that" Tony said "That's not the worst of it" Nat replied "Keep going" Steve said "They made her parents watch them erase her memories then they killed them" Nat replied "And there it is, How could it possibly get worse" Tony said. 

You woke up from a little nap, "Bucky, it hurts" you said "What hurts?" he asked "I don't know" you replied. "I'm just going to take her up stairs to my room" he said "Okay, let us know if you need anything" Steve said. Bucky carried you to his room, he sat you on his bed. He unwrapped you from the blanket and helped you take your jacket off "Can you point to what hurts?" he asked, you pointed at you knee. Bucky rolled up your pant leg, you had a cut on your knee which was covered in dry blood and yellow and green dried puss, "You're name's (Y/N) by the way" he said "Okay" you replied. Bucky went to get the first aid kit "This might hurt, I just want to make sure it's clean" he said. 

Bucky began cleaning the cut, "B-B-Bucky?" you stuttered "Yes, (Y/N)?" he asked "I don't feel good" you replied "Do you mean, you feel icky or do you feel ill?" he asked "ill" you replied. Bucky finished cleaning the wound and bandaged it up, he put his hand on your forehead "You've got a small fever, the wound is infected it's probably that" he said. As he was tidying up, he heard you coughing, he turned around and saw that you'd thrown up, strings of drool hanged from your lips, he grabbed the trash can and held it "It's okay, is there more?" he asked, "I don't think so" you replied. He sat you on the small couch "If you think you're going to be sick, I want you to throw up in the trash can okay?" he said, you nodded. He knew that in HYDRA, if you were sick, they would have just let you throw up on the floor or on yourself and not cared to help. 

Bucky striped the sheets " 'M sorry. I should have stop myself" you said sadly, "You don't need to be sorry. Definitely don't stop yourself, you'll just feel even worse" he replied. When the sheets were changed, he noticed you'd dozed off, your body shook from the fever. Bucky picked you up and carried you down to the lab, Bruce and Tony were there "What can we do?" Tony asked "(Y/N)'s not well, she has a wound on her knee, its infected" Bucky replied "What symptoms has she had?" Bruce asked "She was sick and has fever that's making her shake" Bucky replied. "Okay, Lay her on the bed, you can lay beside her, I'll put her on an Iv of antibiotics and fluids" Bruce replied. 

Once it was done, Bruce left you to rest with Bucky. Nat came in "How's the little one doing?" she asked "Not good" Bucky replied "Aww, the poor thing. She's already got a lot to deal with, and now this" Nat said "I know. I'm worried about her mind, once she starts to remember, she'll not sleep a full night" Bucky said "She won't be the only one. You and Steve don't either, Tony occasionally doesn't and neither do I" Nat said as she stroked your hair. 

The next morning, you woke up, Bucky was sat on the edge of the bed "Morning (Y/N), do you feel okay?" he asked "Tummy feels weird" you replied "Weird, how?" he asked "Need a bowl" you replied "Okay" Bucky replied. He went to get one from the shelf, he held it under your chin, you coughed up bile, Bruce walked in "I was going to ask how is she doing, but I can see, not very well" he said, when you stopped, Bruce took the bowl, you were as white as a sheet "Bucky, I don't think this is the infection" Bruce said "What do you think it is?" Bucky asked "It's something that HYDRA injected into her, it makes people vomit and they tend to look as pale as that, I think it was supposed to actually poison them" Bruce replied "Please tell me you can cure it?" Bucky asked "Yeah, let me just go find it" Bruce said. 

You started crying "B-B-Bucky, Wh-What's happening?" you asked "Those bad people, made you sick. Bruce is looking for the medicine to make you better" he replied. Bruce came back, he drew the medicine in a syringe and injected it into the IV "It might make you sleepy, but you'll be okay" he said. A few hours later the medicine started to work, your skin looked brighter and you were no longer throwing up. Bruce took you off IV and took out the needle "You can take her now. She'll be sleepy for a few days but everything will have cleared up" he said. Bucky picked you up, your legs around his torso, your arms around his neck. 

The team was in the living room "Bruce told us, glad she's looking a lot better" Tony said. "Me and Steve set up a little bed in your room for her, with new clothes, bears, and everything else she could want, even a little step ladder so if she needs she can get into your bed on her own" Wanda said. "There's only one final thing you need to do, Barnes" Clint said. "Let me put her in bed, the I'll come find out" Bucky said. 

Bucky laid you down in the bed, he put one of bears in your arms and you snuggled up to it instantly, he covered you with the duvet. He went back in the living room "Steve, did you buy her Captain America covers?" Bucky asked "Surprisingly no, Wanda did. I got her the Bucky and Steve bears though" Steve replied. "What's the last thing?" Bucky asked. Tony laid out a set of papers "You just have to sign here, and she's yours. Steve's already signed his" he said "Adoption papers, wait what do you mean Steve's signed his?" Bucky asked "Well, I...Um...I'm in love with you, Buck, Always have been and I thought you could use a little help, so we're her dads, once you sign" Steve replied. Bucky signed the papers and pulled Steve in for a kiss "I love you too" he replied breathlessly. 

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