Bucky Barnes

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You were sat in the meeting, you fight alongside the Avengers with your long time boyfriend Bucky. You were supposed to be taking notes on the mission for the log but you were falling asleep. "(Y/N) would you get your head of the damn table" Fury yelled "Sorry" you replied lifting your head of the table "Why are we doing this?" Tony whined "Unless you want to go in blind, you will listen" Fury stated. 

Maria Hill ran into the room "Sorry, We've got a problem the systems on the helicarrier are down, we can't fly back for 6 hours" she said "And I thought we were getting some real excitement' you said sarcastically, Bucky smirked as Steve gave you a disapproving look, you put your head back on the table "(Y/N), for god's sake get your head off the table before I put a bullet through it" Fury said. 

When the meeting finally finished, you linked arms with Bucky "Carry me" you said, he picked you up, you laid your head on his chest. Tony was flying the jet back. 

You headed up to the apartment as Bucky went to train. You laid on the couch. They got the news that Nat had passed out from heat exhaustion, Bucky went up to you. You were still on the couch, "(Y/N), you okay, doll?" he asked, you attempt to get off the couch gave the answer "Okay, taking that as a firm no." he muttered as he picked you up. He took you down to the lab, "Bucky, lay her down, I'll be with you in a moment" Bruce said. 

Bruce came in "(Y/N), Let me get you a bowl, you look like you're going to hurl" he said. He came back promptly, he put the bowl on your lap and checked you over "Heat exhaustion, from No AC." he said "So that means?" Bucky asked "Her temperature a lot higher than it should be, but she's going to be fine. I'm sending Nat to the hospital to double check for heat stroke" Bruce replied, as he left. Steve came in with cool water and cloths "Do you want to lay down?" he said, you shook your head, you gagged and grabbed the bowl, Steve went to get you a glass of water. Bucky whispered soothing words and rubbed your back, Steve moved the bowl and gave you the water, once you had a couple of sips he put it on the side. You rested your head on Bucky's chest, Steve dabbed your forehead with a cool cloth sitting on the edge of the bed this allowed Bucky to keep you close and comforted. 

The next day you woke up back on the couch, with Bucky. You both went down to the medical bay to find Tony on the floor, not being able to tell whether he was asleep or unconscious, you gently shook his shoulder. He began violently shaking "Bucky! Hold him down" you said, you rushed off trying to find the medicine. You managed to find it, you drew the medicine through the needle and grabbed Tony's arm trying to find a vein, you struggled for about 2 minutes, your hands began shaking, you injected him and Bucky laid him in the recovery position "FRIDAY, call for Vision, Wanda and Bruce" he said. 

The three of them came down in a hurry "Vision, get Tony on the bed" Bruce said "What happened?" You handed him the vial and syringe, Bruce read the label "A bad Seizure, You did good, I'll do the rest" he said. 

You walked out the room, Bucky followed you to outside the tower. You sat on the floor, he sat next to you, tears glistened in your eyes "Anything you want to talk about?" he asked "Remember when I told you my best friend died" you said "I remember" he said "They died because of me, I couldn't give them the medicine, they died of a Seizure like that one Tony had" you cried. Bucky wrapped his arms around you "not your fault, I can't say he's going to be okay, but I know he'll do his best and so will Bruce" Bucky said. 

Bucky walked you back inside, he took you to the lab and sat with you in the other room, you were gasping for every breath "Steve, call an ambulance, Wanda CPR now" you heard Bruce say. This only panicked you more. Bruce came in "(Y/N), Oh shit. Won't be a moment" he said. He brought in a rebreather mask, "Deep breathes, this will help. Lay on your side. You're just over panicking" he said. You were leaning heavily on Bucky, he gently laid you down, holding your hand "I'm here, focus on me, just breath deep and slowly" he wiped your tears with his thumb. 

The paramedics arrived, the took Tony to the hospital with Wanda. The rest of the team came into the room you were in "How is she?" Bruce asked "Asleep" Bucky replied. They came over to the side Bucky was on "I've never seen her so shaken up by something" Steve said "I have" Bucky replied, "As bad as this?" Bruce asked "Worse, she passed out for hours. Didn't think she was ever going to wake up" Bucky replied. Steve looked at you with a small smile "Does she always sleep in a ball?" he asked "Yeah, old habit" Bucky replied. 

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