Bucky Barnes

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Since Thanos and the whole final battle, you hadn't been the same. You watched Natasha fall to her death, Steve leave and Tony die leaving his wife and child behind. The rest of the team that were left had noticed this change but didn't approach you about it. You were working on a project, Morgan had come in "Auntie (Y/N), Mama wants to talk to you" she said "Does she now, well come on. Take me to her" you said. Morgan took your hand walked you to the living room, Happy picked Morgan up "We'll go get some food" he said.  

Pepper tapped the seat next to her "Sit down, I want to talk to you" she said "What about?" you asked "You. I'm worried, we all are. Is everything okay?" she asked "Why wouldn't it be?" you replied "Three of the people who saved your life had passed away, you've not been the same. James suggested that he take you to his therapist for some help" she said "Help with what? I'm fine" you replied "How many different modifications have you made to Peter's suit in the last day?" she asked "10" you replied "You are not fine" she said. "Pepper stop worrying about me, I'm fine. This is what I'm supposed to do, I can protect all of you, I just couldn't protect them" you replied, getting up and leaving. 

Bruce came in after the talk "Anything?" he asked "Nothing, she just won't open up" she said "She will eventually" Bruce replied. 

You carried on the next day, making more protective sections of suits so they were bullet proof in all of the fatal places. Once you finished, you hands were shaking. You left your office, thinking you've worked to much. You headed to the kitchen to get a drink. You put the bottle on the coffee table. Bucky came in and sat down "Hey (Y/N)" he said "Hi Bucky" you said. You picked up the bottle hoping he wouldn't notice but he did. "(Y/N), your hands are shaking, are you okay?" he asked "I think I just need to go and lay down" you said "Okay, Let Friday know if you need me" he said "Will do" you replied. 

You headed up to your bedroom and sat in the corner hugging your knees to your chest. When that didn't help you started to pace you room, you sat back down "It was my fault...it was all my fault" you repeated. You got up, walking out of the room. You bumped into Sam "(Y/N), sorry about that" he said "Sam...What happening to me?" you asked "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked "I don't know....I can't stop sweating and shaking...my chest is getting tighter" you replied "Anything else?" he asked "I've got really bad stomach cramps" you replied. "You're having an anxiety attack" he said. 

Sam guided you to the living room "Bucky, you know more about anxiety than I do" Sam said. Bucky took one look at you and pulled you on his lap 'Its okay, you're okay. (Y/N), you're safe. I'm here" he said "They all died because of me. Nat, Tony, Steve, I didn't protect them enough" you said "It's wasn't your fault, you did everything humanly possible. It's going to be okay" he said running his fingers through your hair. You managed to slow down your breathing, you still were shaking. You groaned as you began feeling your stomach cramp, Bucky looked at you "What's wrong?" he asked "Stomach cramps are awful" you replied, you closed your eyes tightly when you felt it again. "It's normal, do you want me to take you to the bathroom incase you need to throw up?" he asked "No, I think I'm gonna pass out" you replied. He helped you up and walked you to the elevator. You started to pass out, the elevator doors opened as you collapsed, Dr Strange was stood in medical, Bucky picked you up and laid you on the bed "Bucky, what happened?" Strange asked "She had an anxiety attack, her first one. She calmed down but still had the stomach cramps, I thought at first she might vomit but she said she felt faint, then she did in elevator just then" Bucky explained "Okay, so severe pain caused her to pass out, I'll give her some IV pain meds, she'll come around in a few seconds" Strange replied. 

When the meds were going through the line, you came around "Bucky?" you questioned "Right here doll, don't worry." he said holding your hand "So what do we do about this?" you asked "I need you when ever you feel an attack coming on, come to me. I'll give you some medicine that should keep the pain under control then I'll help calm you. Strange confirmed that you have anxiety and PTSD, did you ever have a nightmare?" he replied "I have them frequently, sometimes they are memories of the battle and everything that happened or sometimes their of you and the team dying and I can't stop it from happening, I usually wake up drenched" you replied "You could have come to me, I'm always up, cos of my nightmares. You can come sleep in my room anytime of night, even if you want to you can bring your own blanket or even your bear, You don't have to be alone in any of this" he said. 

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