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You'd been out on your own, walking around the street. When you found a baby left on their own in the park. You picked them up "Hey, shhhh it's okay" you rocked them gently whilst looking around for a parent. When you didn't see one, you took your coat off and wrapped it around the little one. It was a freezing cold and rainy evening. You carried them to the tower. You managed to sneak past the team and up to your bedroom. You got a warm towel from the bathroom and a blanket and wrapped them up.

Bucky walked into the room "(Y/N), oh my god." He closed the door "Is she ours?" He asked "No, how do you that they're a girl?" You replied, "Size, she small" Bucky replied. "I found her in the park alone no parent she's was soaking wet and cold" you said "says the shivering one" he said "I was too busy warming her up. Why would someone leave her?" You looked up at Bucky "I don't know, but we need to get you and her to Bruce" he said "I'm fine" you said "(Y/N), honey, you look like you're going to get hyperthermia" replied. You began shivering more as he was talking, Bucky took the baby in his arms, you had turned pale. He put his arm around your waist helping you up. 

"FRIDAY can you send the elevator to the medical bay, quickly please" Bucky said "Already on it" the AI replied. 

Tony was outside the elevator "Hi, Can you get (Y/N) on a bed now?" Bucky asked "Sure thing" he replied "Bruce! Emergency!" Bucky said as he carried the little one through into the same room. "Hypothermia, oh Jesus, I'll take the baby, you sort (Y/N) out. Steve get some warm cloths for (Y/N). Nat get a blanket for the baby" Bruce said. "Don't take her away" you said "I'll bring her back, don't worry" Bruce said. 

Bucky helped you change and covered you with a blanket and gave you a warm drink. After you finished the drink, Bruce brought the baby in a small bed "She's okay, does she have a name yet?" Bruce asked "No, I found her" You said "Any sign of Parents?" Tony asked "No" Bucky replied "She's just days old, I suppose they abandoned her." Tony said. Nat came in "Why are (Y/N)'s lips turning blue?" she asked "Oh hell, Tony, get the oxygen" Bruce said. Bruce attached you to the monitors and then put the mask on "What are we naming her?" Bucky asked "Rebecca-Rose" you replied "I'm going to get some baby things from the store, clothes Formula, bassinet, bottles and Paci's" Nat said "Okay" Bucky replied. When Bruce, Tony and Nat left. Steve entered the room, he saw Bucky admiring Rebecca "Well, Buck, You've got a daughter" he said "I know. She's adorable" he replied. 

The next day when you were both fully recovered. You were holding Rebecca, Bucky came in with a bottle "You want to feed her?" he asked "Sure" you replied. You began feeding her, Rebecca's bright blue eyes looked at you "I want another one" you said "Another baby? (Y/N), honey, wait till she's at least a year old then we'll talk about it" Bucky said kissing you "Okay" you replied. 

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