Stucky's daughter

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You and Peter got home from school, you headed straight to your apartment on the compound while Peter went to the lab. You hung your coat and bag up "Hey, kid" Steve said "Hi, Dad. Where's Papa?" you asked "He won't be long, he's just gone out to get a few things" Steve replied "Okay" you replied. Steve turned the stove off, as you sat at the counter "What's wrong?" he asked "Nothing, why?" you replied, "You don't seem yourself, did something happen at school?" he replied "No, I'm just a little achey from Gym" you replied. Bucky arrived home.

"Hey, (Y/N)." he said "Hi, Papa" you replied. Bucky put down the grocery bag before giving Steve a peck on the cheek "Hi, honey" Steve said. Bucky looked over at you "What's wrong, you look miserable" he said "I'm just a little achey, its nothing" you replied. Steve gave you a glass of water "Drink. There's something wrong and we know it" he said. You drank the water. "Let's have something to eat" Steve said "I'm not really hungry" you replied "Just try and eat a little bit" Bucky said "Okay" you replied.

You sat at the table, mostly just pick-eating, "You don't look well at all, Just tell us" Bucky said, you slouched in the chair "What hurts?" Bucky asked "Everything" you replied "What's the main thing that hurts?" Steve asked "Stomach" you replied "Are you nauseous?" Bucky asked, you nodded. You stood up to go and lay down, and your legs just gave out and you dropped on the floor. Bucky picked you and sat you on his lap, Steve came around to you "You want me to get your blanket and teddy bear?" he asked, you nodded. "You don't mind us babying you, do you? I know some teens would" Bucky asked "No." you replied "Good, cause you'll always be our be our little girl" he said.

Bucky carried you over to the couch, Steve covered you with a blanket and gave you the bear to cuddle "Do you want me to make you some soup?" he asked "No, I don't think I'll be able to keep it down" you replied "Okay, sweetie pie. You just sleep it off" Steve said. Peter came up stairs "Hey, Spiderboy" Bucky said "Can (Y/N) come on patrol tonight?" he asked "No, not tonight or for the next few nights. She's sick" Steve replied "Oh, I'll let the teachers know at school too" Peter replied "Thanks kid" Steve said.

You woke up a few hours later, Bucky was sat in the seat beside you "Do you feel any better?" he asked, "No, I feel worse" you replied, Bucky pressed his hand to your forehead "You're warm" he said. Steve came in with the thermometer "101.7, it's not too bad" he said. You shivered "I'm cold now" you said pulling the blanket closer, Bucky ran his fingers through your hair "Try and explain how you're feeling, sweetie" Steve said "It's like someone's constantly throwing something at my head. I'm too achey to move and my stomach is like I'm on ship in bad seas" you replied. "When did it start?" Steve asked "Just after my first lesson this morning" you replied "Did you eat anything at school, or anything that could have made you sick?" he asked "I didn't eat at break, MJ told me to eat at lunch but I only had a cupcake. I spent last lesson in the bathroom, feeling like I was about to throw up" you replied. "Okay, do you remember anything else?" Bucky asked "Not really, only that Ned was sick the other week and me and Peter had to take him to the nurse" you replied. "I'm going to guess you caught it from him, my guess is you've got the flu" Steve said.

You settled down for the night on the couch, you'd always sleep there when you were sick. During the night you woke up with your stomach churning, you started gagging, then retched, you threw up all over the blanket "Papa! Dad!" you shouted, tears running down your cheeks, they came out of their room and turned the light on "I..I.. was sick" you stuttered "Don't worry, kitten" Bucky said. Steve put the blanket in the wash and got a fresh one out along with a fresh hoodie. "Gonna be sick" you mumbled "Steve, get the bucket" Bucky said. Steve brought it to you, Bucky sat next to you, you were hunched over the bucket, emptying the contents of your stomach into it. Once you'd stopped, Steve helped you into a new hoodie and wiped your face and hair, you curled up snuggling both your bear and Bucky. Steve covered you with the blanket "She's such a kid, when she's sick" he said "It's adorable, She hasn't really changed from when she was a little girl" Bucky said "She's always going to our little girl, no matter how old she is" Steve said.

The next morning, you woke up, Steve and Bucky were in the kitchen. They brought some medicine and water to you "How are you feeling now?" Steve asked "Still like shit" you replied, Bucky smiled at you "You are very much my daughter" he said "I will have none of that language, kitten" Steve said. He handed you the water and the tablet "You've got to take this" Steve said "I'll choke" you replied, Bucky broke it in half "Try now" he said. You took both halves separately, you reached for the bucket, you held it for a few minutes "Nothing false alarm" you mumbled. Steve gave you the second tablet and you took it. You laid back down and went back to sleep.

A few hours later, Steve woke you up "I need you to eat something, it's only soup" he said. You ate around half of the bowl before you felt your stomach cramp, Steve saw your pained expression, he put the bowl on the coffee table "It's okay, where does it hurt?" He asked "middle" you replied, he let you cuddle him. Bucky came in after being at a meeting "How are you, little kitten?" He asked, you shook your head "No better, need anymore meds?" He asked "No, it just hurts, I can't get comfortable" you said. Bucky stroked your hair "You'll feel better soon, try and get some sleep" he said, kissing your forehead. You laid with your head resting on Steve's chest "I never known her to be like this. I thought she might inherited the serum's traits" Bucky said "You don't think she's inherited any of my old illnesses, do you?" Steve asked "I don't know, she might have" Bucky replied. Steve picked you up gently to not disturb your sleep "Let's take her to Bruce, have her checked out" he said. 

They took you down to the lab, Bruce was running an experiment "What can I do?" he asked "Can you test (Y/N) for anything and everything?" Steve asked "Why? What's going on?" Bruce asked "It's just that she's sick with the flu, but seems really run down by it. She's slept majority of the day, not eaten much and vomited twice this morning and complained of a stomach ache. We're worried that instead of the traits from the serum, she's inherited Steve's illnesses" Bucky explained "Sure. It's probable just a bad case of the flu since her metabolism is faster than average and the vaccine had burned through already, but I can double check" Bruce said. You started to wake up "Where am I?" you asked confused "You're in lab, kitten. Just for a couple tests" Steve said. Bruce prepped the needle, Steve sat you on his lap, your legs around his waist "(Y/N), Look at Papa, okay" Steve said. Bucky was stood behind Steve "Hold my hand if your want to" he said "Just a sharp scratch" Bruce said. 

Bruce went to test the blood sample as you went back to sleep. It didn't take long for the results to come back "Good news, She's not inherited any illness. Bad news, she needs another vaccine when she's better and one every month, it wears off every 4 weeks" Bruce replied. 

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