Migraine problem

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The team were all gathered in the kitchen for breakfast, they noticed you hadn't turned up "Anyone seen (Y/N)?" Tony asked "No, but I'm assuming that after her late night mission she wants to sleep in" Sam said. A few hours went by and it was now lunch time and you still hadn't made an appearance "This is concerning, she's still not here" Tony said.

You were stood in you en-suite bathroom trying to get ready but to no avail. Your head was pounding and you kept getting dizzy every time you let go of the counter top, you didn't have any of your medicine left and to be honest you hadn't for months. You knew was was to come so you resorted to sitting in front of the toilet.

"Miss (L/N) would you like me to send for someone to assist you to get back in bed?" FRIDAY asked "either Bucky, Steve or Sam. No one else." You replied "Sending for them now" the AI replied. Soon enough all three men entered, Bucky helped you up, "Steve put the trash can beside the bed. Sam grab the usual medicine" Bucky said as he got you back in bed. Sam came in followed by Steve "There isn't any medicine" Sam said "I know there isn't" you whispered "Why?" Steve asked "I ran out months ago and to be honest I don't want them either" you replied "For Gods sake, you need them or else you end up like this" Bucky said "But....But I hate them" you replied.

Tony entered "(Y/N) get your lazy ass out of bed!!" He called, your skin went as white as the bed sheet and you winced in pain "Tony be quiet but since your here go get a glass of water and put a straw in it" Sam said. You were laid with you head hanging limply of the side of the bed, Bucky had his arm around you so you didn't fall while Sam was holding your hand. Steve sat on the floor in front of you "(Y/N), are you going to be sick?" He asked, you nodded, Steve picked up the trash can and moved your hair back, Sam went to find out what was taking Tony so long. Bucky rubbed soothing circles on your back while whispering words of comfort. When you'd stopped, he lifted you further up the bed "Cuddles and snuggles please?" You said in a whiny voice "Okay, you can have them" Bucky said. Steve cleaned out the trash can as Sam came back "(Y/N/N), drink some water in small sips" Bucky said. You did so as Steve came in "Steve, I want cuddles with you too" you said "I'm coming don't worry" Steve said getting on the bed beside you. You were now cuddled up against to super soldiers "I'll go tell the team she's in a clingy mood" Sam said.

The team were sat in the living room "Where's (Y/N)?" Clint asked "She's got a migraine, no meds so she's in her clingy mood and won't let go of Steve and Bucky" Sam said "I'll  go get her meds from the pharmacy" Bruce said "There is no point, she won't take them. She doesn't want them" Sam replied. Bruce got up and went to your room.

"(Y/N/N), you need those tablets, they'll stop the migraines" Bruce said "No, they won't." You replied "Did they not work?" Bruce asked "No" you replied "okay, I'll go get you something different then. We can give that ago" Bruce said "Okay" you replied. You dozed off on Bucky's chest "You'll make sure she takes them, won't you?" Bruce asked "of course I will" Bucky replied.

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