Agents of Shield

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You were sat in your bed on the bus, not in the mood to talk to anyone. Ward knocked on the door "(Y/N) meeting now" he said "Not coming" you replied "You don't have a choice" he said "Don't give a shit" you replied. Ward went to the briefing room "Where's (Y/N)?" May asked "She's not coming, and I quote, she doesn't 'give a shit'" he replied. "Oh great, we need her" Fitz said "I'll go talk to her then" Coulson said "You might not want to that" Ward said "Why?" Simmons asked "She throws a pretty mean punch, trust me I've felt it" Ward replied. 

During the meeting, they all heard a very loud thud. Ward headed up to the bunks, he found you punching the wall "(Y/N), stop, there are punching bags for this" he said pulling you back "Let me go!" you shouted "I won't. You take your anger out on me if you want to. You can cry, scream, kick and punch but no way am I letting go of you" he said. Everyone was now watching, Simmons had a sedative, she was walking towards "Don't, let me handle her" Ward said. They all left, you sobbed as Ward held you "Tell me what's wrong" he said "None of you thought to tell me that I'm the daughter of a HYDRA agent. I found my file, read it all, no one told me I was experimented on" you sobbed "You're okay, you're safe, you aren't a danger" he said, he pulled you into his lap. 

After a little while, you calmed down. The team came back upstairs. Fitz put his hand on your shoulder "Don't touch me!" you snapped "Okay" he replied stepping back. "She knows, doesn't she?" May asked "Yes, she knows. Why did you do this to her?" Ward replied "We were protecting her" Coulson replied "Protecting, is that what you call this? I've never seen someone react like this ever. She needs time" Ward replied. 

A few weeks went by, you were given this time to rest. You were on a mission alone, on coms with Ward and Coulson. Gunshots were heard. "(Y/N) can you read, come in" Ward said, there was nothing, he took of the headphones and grabbed a gun before running into the building. He shot every single agent that came his way, he found you laying on the floor. Blood flowing out of your thigh where the three bullets had entered, he picked you up and carried you back. 

He laid you on the table in the lab. "May fly to the closest HQ" he said, he cut through the material and got the gauze pads and applied pressure. Fitz took over when he walked in "(Y/N), can you hear me? Wake up, come on" Ward said "How much blood has she lost?" Fitz asked "I don't know it was a puddle of it" Ward replied as he checked your pulse "Nothing" he said "Coulson and Simmons, I need you both to run in the HQ get a gurney, Skye I need you to explain that (Y/N) has a large open bullet wound and no pulse. Ward Start CPR now" Fitz said. 

Ward laid you on the gurney, he continued CPR until getting to the operating theatre where the team were told to wait in the waiting room. Hours went by, the doctor came out "Are you family?" they asked "Closest thing" Coulson replied "Well, (Y/N) has made it through surgery but it's not looking promising, We'll put her in a pod and you can stay with her" the doctor said "Thanks" Ward replied.

You were now on the jet in a med pod, and a machine was currently breathing for you. Ward decided to stay right beside you, until something happened. 

Weeks went by, "Ward, you sitting here isn't helping" Coulson said "She will wake up I know it" Ward said. Hours went by and you started waking up "Simmons, get in here, she's waking up" Ward yelled. Simmons ran in, "(Y/N), I'm going to take the tube out okay, but you will be on oxygen for a few weeks just so I can be sure you're okay" she said. Once the tube was removed and the oxygen was set up, Ward gave you a drink of water and told you what happened as you couldn't remember. 

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