Car Crash

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You were laid in a hospital bed, a doctor beside you. "Hello, Corporal (L/N), it appears you have been in a severe car crash. I've contacted Captain Rogers to come and collect you. He will keep watch over you until you're back to strength, he has assured me there are plenty of facilities to keep you stable" Dr Travis said "Yeah, okay" you replied. 

Steve arrived and was directed to you room, which was guarded, he walked in "Captain Rogers, Someone T-boned Corporal (L/N)'s car, she has broken multiple bones in her arm, bruised every rib and had sustained a concussion, from hitting the steering wheel" Dr Travis explained "Thanks for calling me, Dr Travis. We've already set everything up back at compound for her" Steve replied. He signed all the paper work and carried you out to the car, gently sitting you down in the passenger seat, he put the file in the back. 

It was fifteen minutes into the silent drive, when you sat up abruptly "Pull over please" you said, you skin went alarmingly green. You undid your seatbelt when he pulled over and opened the door and began to vomit, when you sat back in the seat properly, Steve tucked your hair behind your ear "Want to wait a little longer?" he asked "Keep going" you replied closing the door. You tried to sit comfortably so you wouldn't vomit again. Steve pulled into the compound garage. Tony was waiting with a wheelchair and Fury. Steve helped you out of the car. 

In the elevator, you weren't feeling to well, you're skin turned a little green "Steve, gonna be sick" you said "Can you hang on a few minutes?" Tony asked "Don't think so" you replied. Fury kept his eye on you "Breathe slowly" he said "Hurts to do that" you replied. You felt the bile rise, you covered your mouth with your hand. The elevator stopped, once out, Bruce came over with a bucket, Steve held it for you "She's got broken bones in her arm, Every rib is bruised and she sustained a grade 1 concussion, which is why she's throwing up" he said. 

They took you over to the bed, Steve picked you up and laid you down. Bruce attached all the monitors to you, you started to fall asleep "I hate how we have to wake her in two hours" Steve said "I know, she's really gonna be upset by morning" Tony said. 

Every two hours Steve woke you up and asked questions and let you go back to sleep. By the time it hit mid day the next day, you couldn't be bothered. Bruce asked you to do certain things and you didn't "(Y/N), come on. I need to know that you can sit up without feeling dizzy" he said. "Not moving" you said 'You've got too" Bruce said "Screw You!" you said "Woah, okay. I'm going" Bruce said. 

Steve entered "Is she okay?" he asked "No, she's in a very very bad mood. To be quite honest I think she only wants you" Bruce said. Steve entered your room, you were curled up crying "(Y/N/N), hey, do you want cuddles?" he asked, you nodded. He moved the side of the bed down and picked you up. He sat you on his lap wrapping the blanket around you "Shhh, I've got you. You're okay. I know you're exhausted, close your eyes, I'll be here when you wake up" he said rocking you gently. Bruce came in "You know you'll have to wake her in an hour" he said "To hell with that, look at her, let her sleep." Steve said "Seriously, I have to know she can sit up without getting dizzy" Bruce replied "She was fine when I picked her up and fine while I was rocking her, so she's fine. Let her sleep, or I will take her upstairs to my room and let her sleep there" Steve said "Fine okay" Bruce said. You nuzzled into Steve. 

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