Stucky take care of you

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It was the early hours of the morning, you woke up feeling uncomfortable, you looked at the clock 5am. You got up knowing both super soldiers would be in the training room. You were still wearing your pyjamas. You yawned as you got in the elevator. When you opened the door you saw them both sparring.

"Hey (Y/N), why are you still in your pyjamas?" Steve asked "Not well" you replied "come here" he said. You went on the mat with them, Bucky sat down cross-legged so you could sit in his lap. Steve gave you some water "want to go upstairs" you said "okay, let's go then" Bucky said picking you up.

They took you to the living room, laying you on the couch "I'll go get your blanket, Want anything else from your room?" Bucky asked "Could you get my phone and my bear please?" you asked "Sure" he replied. Steve knelt beside you "What's bothering you?" he asked "My tummy, it flipping" you replied. Steve smiled at little at how much of a child you were when you were sick, Bucky came back, he covered you with the blanket and gave you the bear which you snuggled up to immediately, he put your phone on the side. 

The team starting coming in and making breakfast, "Where's (Y/N), anyone seen her?" Nat asked "She's not well. She in her 'I'm sick, take care of me' mood" Bucky replied. Nat came over to the couch "Hey you, Enjoy these two mothering you for the week" she said. "We do not mother people" Bucky said "Yeah, you do" Wanda replied "Buck, we do. You definitely do" Steve said. You were soon asleep. 

When you woke up, no one was in the room. You turned on your side, you whined as you felt the bile rise in your throat, you couldn't move from being tired and achey. You heaved over the side of the couch. It wasn't long before you heard the door open, Steve entered the room, he came over to you "Oh (Y/N), hey. You're okay" he said stroking your hair. Bucky came in "Is she okay?" he asked "She's been sick, on the floor" Steve replied. You leaned over again "She's going again" he said. Bucky came over "Shhh, don't panic. Just get it up" he rubbed your back. When you stopped, you were as pale as anything "That's a lot of sick, how is that possible?" Steve asked "Something is really wrong, I'll take her to Bruce" Bucky said "I'll be down when I've cleaned up" Steve replied. 

Bucky picked you up, wrapped in the blanket cuddling your bear, he carried you down to the lab. "Bruce, can you take a look at (Y/N)?" he asked "Sure, come lay her down over here" Bruce replied. Bucky laid you down on the bed "She's awfully pale" Bruce remarked "She threw up twice, it was a lot" Bucky replied "Okay, (Y/N), I'm just going to press on your tummy, tell me when it hurts" Bruce said. He pressed in multiple areas, when he got to the middle it was painful "There, can you stop, you're making feel sick" you said "Yeah sure" Bruce replied. Steve came down "What's wrong with her?" he asked "She's got a bug and flu, so they've combined. She's dehydrated and having an empty stomach isn't helping her at all" Bruce said. 

Bruce prepped a needle, to give you IV fluids. Bucky distracted you as Steve held your hand still, once attached to the IV. Bruce brought in crackers "(Y/N) we need you to eat" he said "No" you replied. "Leave it with us" Steve said. They sat on the edge of the bed "Why do you not want to eat?" Bucky asked "Cos, I will be sick" you replied "But you don't feel sick now, do you?" Steve asked "I do" you replied "Okay, small amounts" Steve said. He started to break up the crackers, you ate the small pieces slowly, "No more" you said after two full ones. "Okay, you get some sleep. If you need anything we're here" Bucky said. 

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