Bucky Barnes

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You'd been training for the last three hours without a single break, "Time to give it a rest" Bucky said "No way, I can keep going for at least another hour or two" you said. You began on the weights, Bucky stood behind you, he could see you starting to pass out. He picked the weight up out of your hands and put it back on the bar. You stood up to look at him, in the process you fell, he caught you. He attempted to get you to drink some water, but you were determined to get up and carry on. 

You gained a little strength back and decided to go for the punching bags "Will you drink something?" he said "In an hour or two" you replied. "Seriously you will puke" he said "Never have, Never will" you said. 

Steve came down "How long today?" he asked "Almost four hours without a single break. She almost passed out a few minutes ago" Bucky replied. He and Steve watched you. You stopped when the time hit four and a half hours. You wondered over to the bin, looking slightly drunk even though you weren't. Within about 5 seconds you puked, Bucky went over "And that's breakfast back up" he said. You looked at him annoyed but before you could say anything sarcastic back, you fainted on him. He caught you again, he picked you up "I'll take her back to bed, but get her to drink something first" Bucky said. 

Bucky carried you to his room, he laid you down and woke you up "Drink is small sips" he said, you turned away "Come on, (Y/N). Are you seriously going to make me do this the hard way?" he asked, you didn't reply, "The hard way it is" he said. Bucky got up and went into the medical bay and to grab a syringe. When he came back, you were curled up "Wake up for me" he said drawing some of the water into the syringe. You turned over and whined "Three of these then you can sleep, or I will get Bruce to put a tube into your nose and do it that way" he said. You took the syringe from him and had the water and did it twice more. 

 Bucky laid down beside you "Why do you do this, (Y/N)?" he asked "I'll never be as strong as you." you said "You've had the serum you're as strong as me and Steve" he said "I don't look it, I look weak" you said "No, you don't. You need to be healthy, that means not working out for almost 5 hours with no break, drinking plenty of water and yes, I know you skip meals, you have to eat or you'll get ill, especially because of the serum" he said. "Fury sees me differently to you and Steve, I need to look like I'm strong or I look incapable" you said "(Y/N), listen. You are strong, you might even be stronger than me. You don't need too look like you are, we know you are. Don't worry about Fury, he usually is tough on everyone" Bucky said. You started Sneezing "Bless you" Bucky said handing you a tissue. You saw red on the tissue "Great, Nosebleed" you groaned "Come here" he said. You sat on his lap, he held you, "Head back, just pinch the top half of the cartilage" he said. After around half a box of tissues and 10 minutes later it had stopped "Was that spare of the moment or has it happened before" Bucky asked "I get them often, ever since I got punched by Zemo" you replied "After a nap, we'll go get you checked by Bruce, maybe he can stop it" Bucky replied. 

You settled down beside him, Bucky wrapped his arms around you in a protective embrace, your head rested in the crook of his neck, your legs tangled with his. You dozed off fairly quickly. "I love you, doll. You're my perfect girl" Bucky whispered. 

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