Help Me!

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You were the girlfriend of John Walker, you hated it, but you couldn't get out no matter what you tried. You were stuck with him, going to every conference as he was now Captain America, you wish Steve Rogers was still around and then maybe he'd take you away from John. You were being taken every where he went finding the flag smashers. 

You were stood on a cobble pathway, bruises on your face, John gripping your wrist tightly. Lemar doing absolutely nothing about it. Zemo, Sam and Bucky walked up "How did you find us this time?" Bucky asked "Easily" John replied. "John, let go of my wrist, you're hurting me" you whispered, his grip tightened, while Sam was talking to him. You looked over at Bucky, his eyes were on you the whole time "(Y/N), pay attention!!" John yelled, you flinched then nodded silently. After a little while "Let's go" he said, you didn't move, "Come on, we're going!" he said. "I don't want to" you said "You will!" John said "No" you replied. John shoved you against the wall, his hand around your neck "You will listen to me!" he yelled. 

Hearing this, made Sam, Zemo and Bucky turn around and run back. Sam and Zemo pulled John off you, when he was a safe distance away, Bucky came over to you, you were breathing heavily "(Y/N), I won't hurt you. Take some deep breathes" he said. Zemo came over and took off his coat "Take her back to the house, James" he said wrapping it around you. You took Bucky's hand and he walked you back, John angrily shouting as you both were walking away. 

You sat on the couch, Bucky brought over the first aid kit "These bruises on your face, did he do that?" he asked, you nodded. "Anything else?" Bucky asked, you showed him the graze on your right side which went around to your stomach. Sam and Zemo entered "Lemar is dealing with him further away" Zemo said "Good, can either one of you sit with her, while I go get a shirt from my bag?" Bucky replied. "Sure, will do" Sam replied. They both sat with you "Will he come for me?" you asked "We don't know. But we will protect you" Sam said "He...scares me" you said "We know, You're safe with us" Zemo said. Bucky came back, you switched shirts "Lay on your left side, Sam go around and hold her hand. Doll, I'm going clean the graze this might hurt, that's what Sam's hand is for, so squeeze it" Bucky said "Bucky" Sam rolled his eyes. 

After about an hour, Bucky had finished cleaning the graze, you sat up, Bucky wrapped a bandage around where the gauze was to keep it cushioned, "I'm just going to press a little on the bruises, tell me when it starts hurting a lot" he said. Bucky started with the one under your eye, he got to your temple "There, hurts" you replied "Okay, what about the other side?" he asked "No, that sides fine" you said. Next was the bruise on your neck, Bucky didn't even have press on it "It all hurts" you said "To be expected, you'll stay here, I'll be in here with you." Bucky said. There was a loud knock at the door, you jumped and held on to Bucky as Sam went to answer it "Ayo, not great timing at all" Sam said "Why?" she asked "Well, you might as well come see for yourself" Sam replied letting her in. 

"White wolf, we were informed that you had taken someone" Ayo said "You mean (Y/N), who is currently terrified" Bucky replied "Wilson, hold this" she said handing the spear. You let go of Bucky "(Y/N), I'm Ayo, a member of the Wakandan tribe: Dora Miljae. You don't need to fear us, can I take a look at your injures?" she asked, you nodded. She check over every single area of bruising "Walker did this to you?" she asked, you nodded again "He had her by the throat against the wall" Bucky explained. Ayo took out a phone like device "I'm going to take some photos, We will put in place an order to keep him away from you "I took one of the graze if you want to take that too" Bucky said. After all the images were taken, it was late. Sam brought you a blanket, you laid on the couch and fell asleep. 

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