Under the ice

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After the whole falling out with Tony and all the trouble caused by Zemo, you and Steve were in Wakanda waiting for them to place Bucky under the ice so they can work out how to get rid of the program. Bucky gave you one last kiss before going under. You were sat on the bed, Steve sat next you "You're going to fine here" he said. He noticed you were shaking a little "Bucky's fine, when they've figured everything out you'll get him back" he said. You weren't responding to anything, you seemed to be stuck in your own head. Steve tried to get you to respond but nothing worked. "Shuri! Something's wrong!" he called out. 

Shuri rushed over "Steve, lay her down" she said, grabbing the small torch "(Y/N), can you hear me?" she asked shining the light into your eyes "I need a full scan of vitals and IV" she said to one of assistants. Once the IV was in and all vitals were check "She's seems normal, apart from not responding" Shuri said. 

"Steve?" you whispered "Yeah, I'm here (Y/N)" he said, holding his hand out to you. "Put me under the ice" you said "What? Why?" he asked. "Somethings not right. I think I've been programmed by Zemo" you said, Shuri came over "We'll run a scan and compare it, if we find something, going under will be an option" she said. Once the scan was complete, Shuri compared it, and came back over "We have your results, looks to be programming, You can stay conscious while we work everything out and perform the extraction at the same time as James or we can bring another cryo tube and you can go under the ice instead, the choice is your's (Y/N), I'll give you sometime to think" Shuri left you with Steve. 

"Steve, I want to go under, I don't know how much is me and how much is what he did. I was only there a few days" you said "If you're sure about this, I'm not going to stop you" he replied "At least I'll still be here with him, I'll see you again" you smiled. Shuri came back "I assume you've made a decision" she said "I want to go under the ice" you replied "Okay" she replied giving a nod to the assistants. They brought the second cryo tube in, Shuri took you off the IV and wrapped a bandage around the canula. You got in the tube and they closed the door, you gave Steve a smile and he smiled back. You gave a nod and the tube filled with ice. 

~Months Later~

Shuri had performed the extraction of the programming and you were both now in the medical bay of Wakanda. Bucky had woken up first "James, good to see you. The procedure went well, we are just waiting on (Y/N) to come around from hers" Shuri said "(Y/N)? I thought she was just staying, she didn't get in the cryo did she?" Bucky asked "She made the decision to go under when we discovered that Zemo had attempted to programme her. She had an unresponsive episode once you were under." Shuri explained. You started to wake up "Procedure went well, you are now both in recovery, I'll come and check on you both in two hours" Shuri said. 

"Hey, Bucky" you said "Hey, Shuri told me. I can't believe you went through that without saying anything" he replied "I just wanted to protect you and everyone else. I would have been taken and locked up forever" you replied "We would have come for you" he said "No, you wouldn't have. I couldn't tell what was me and what was the damage he caused to me. It wasn't me" you said. "I love you so much, doll. We've got a long road ahead. But we'll do it together" he said "I love you too" you replied 

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